The rectouterine pouch (rectovaginal pouch, pouch of Douglas or cul-de-sac) is the extension of the peritoneum into the space between the posterior wall of the uterus and the rectum in the human female.[1]
In women, the rectouterine pouch is the deepest point of the peritoneal cavity. It is posterior to the uterus, and anterior to the rectum.[2] Its anterior boundary is formed by the posterior fornix of the vagina.[1] The pouch on the other side of the uterus near to the anterior fornix is the vesicouterine pouch.
After passing over the fundus of the uterus, the peritoneum extends inferiorly along the entire posterior aspect of the uterus, reaching the posterior vaginal wall before reflecting superior-ward onto the anterior aspect of the rectal ampulla (i.e. the inferior portion of the rectum).[3]
In men, the region corresponding to the rectouterine pouch is the rectovesical pouch, which lies between the urinary bladder and rectum.
Peritoneal fluid
It is normal to have approximately 1 to 3 ml (or mL) of fluid in the rectouterine pouch throughout the menstrual cycle.[4] After ovulation there is between 4 and 5 ml of fluid in the rectouterine pouch.[4]
Clinical significance
The rectouterine pouch, being the lowest part of the peritoneal cavity in a woman at supine position, is a common site for the spread of pathology such as ascites, tumour, endometriosis, pus, etc.
As it is the furthest point of the abdominopelvic cavity in women, it is a site where infection and fluids typically collect.[5]
The rectouterine pouch can be used in the treatment of end-stage kidney failure in patients who are treated by peritoneal dialysis. The tip of the dialysis catheter is placed into the deepest point of the pouch.
Culdocentesis is a procedure that draws fluid from the pouch, by way of the vagina using a needle. Fluid drawn using a scalpel incision is called a colpotomy.
Naming and etymology
The rectouterine (or recto-uterine) pouch is also called the rectouterine excavation, uterorectal pouch, rectovaginal pouch, pouch of Douglas (after anatomist James Douglas, 1675–1742), Douglas pouch,[6] Douglas cavity,[6] Douglas space,[6] Douglas cul-de-sac,[6] Ehrhardt–Cole recess, Ehrhardt–Cole cul-de-sac, cavum Douglasi, or excavatio rectouterina. The combining forms reflect the rectum (recto-, -rectal) and uterus (utero-, -uterine).
Gullmo A (1980). "Herniography. The diagnosis of hernia in the groin and incompetence of the pouch of Douglas and pelvic floor". Acta Radiologica. Supplementum. 361: 1–76. PMID6297246.
Anaf V, Simon P, El Nakadi I, Simonart T, Noel J, Buxant F (February 2001). "Impact of surgical resection of rectovaginal pouch of douglas endometriotic nodules on pelvic pain and some elements of patients' sex life". The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. 8 (1): 55–60. doi:10.1016/s1074-3804(05)60549-x. PMID11172115.
Baessler K, Schuessler B (March 2000). "The depth of the pouch of Douglas in nulliparous and parous women without genital prolapse and in patients with genital prolapse". American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 182 (3): 540–4. doi:10.1067/mob.2000.104836. PMID10739505.
Ostör AG, Nirenberg A, Ashdown ML, Murphy DJ (June 1994). "Extragenital adenosarcoma arising in the pouch of Douglas". Gynecologic Oncology. 53 (3): 373–5. doi:10.1006/gyno.1994.1151. PMID8206414.