Prahok is sometimes distributed as a donation to victims of flood or drought by charities and other organizations.
Varieties and production
Prahok is made with various fish and methods of fermentation. Fish used include snakeheads (Channa spp.) and moonlight gourami (Trichogaster microlepis).
Prahok is obtained by crushing or grinding fresh fish after de-scaling, gutting and cleaning them. After the fish is crushed, it is left in the sun for a full day, then salted. The prahok is fermented in large clay jars covered with a lid made of woven bamboo strips. The prahok can be eaten after only 20 days of fermentation, but the best quality prahok is left to ferment for up to three years.
Prahok dishes
Prahok can be prepared and served in several different ways. Below are dishes where prahok is the main component.
Sautéed prahok
Prahok chien (ប្រហុកចៀន[prɑːhokciən]) It is usually mixed with meat (usually beef or pork) and chilli peppers. It can also be eaten as a dip, accompanied by vegetables like cucumbers or eggplants, and rice.
Covered prahok
Prahok kab (ប្រហុកកប់[prɑːhokkɑp]) or prahok ang (ប្រហុកអាំង[prɑːhokʔaŋ]), types of prahok that are covered with banana leaves and left to cook under pieces of rock beneath a fire or over the coals.
Raw prahok
Prahok chhau (ប្រហុកឆៅ[prɑːhokcʰaw]) is a type of prahok can be used to make a paste with lemon grass, lime juice, fresh peppers, and eggplant eaten with (usually cooked rare) beef steak. Also, this is the type of prahok preferably used as a dipping paste for vegetables and fruits.
The early fermentation prahok has a high content of crude fat (151 g/kg), which drops significantly (to 1.7–10.7 g/kg) after degutting in later stages. Due to the decomposition of fish bone and other structures by microorganisms during the fermentationprahok has a greater content of calcium and phosphorus than the fresh fish used.[5]