The film begins with a wise lady, Sita, who lives with her younger Raju, drunkard father, Rangaiah, and ailing mother, Rathamma. Once, Rangaiah bickers with a person who dies, which sentences Rangaiah. Knowing it, Rathamma passes away and leaves the kids as orphans. Today, their neighbor Papaiah shelters them, which is detested by his wife Tayaru & her sister Sundaramma. When Papaiah realizes his son Vasu endears Sita and wishes to marry her, he and his wife humiliate Sita and she quits the house. Being cognizant of it, Vasu leaves the house as well and eagerly waits for Sita. Meanwhile, Sundaramma moves to her cousin Rao Saheb Govind Rao's home, where Sarabhaiah, a masked cat, settles therein. Both conjoin and make petty theft. Years roll by, and Sita strives to mold Raju into a civilized person. Plus, Raju gets a job as a part-time tutor to Rao Saheb's vainglory, pampered daughter Saroja, who loves and knits Raju. However, self-esteemed, Raju picks up a job and resides with his sister & wife. Since Saroja was born with a golden spoon, she cannot tailor her life to the bourgeoisie lifestyle. Moreover, she envies Raju's prioritization of Sita. Saroja's lethargy and lack of understanding for hardwork angers Raju and slowly creates a rift between them. Time, Vasu turns into a police officer, and Rangaiah is released. At present, Sundaramma approaches Saroja when Raju is in camp. That night, she steals Saroja's jewelry via Sarabhaiah and incriminates Sita. Grief-stricken, Sita leaves the house and attempts suicide. After returning, Raju learns of the plight and berates Saroja when she departs for her father. In that clutter, Raju forgets his office amount, which Sundaramma robs. Parallelly, Saroja lands at home when Rao Saheb smacks and reforms her. Fortunately, Rangaiah shields Sita, and Raju, whom Rangaiah detects as his child, also arrives. By the time they reach home, the Police seize Raju. At that juncture, Sita spots Sundaramma skipping, pounces on her, hands the money, and rushes to the Police when Sundaramma falls, claiming it as her own. Consequently, Rao Saheb gets here and divulges the sly shade of Sundaramma when she affirms the culprit as Sarabhaiah. Eventually, Vasu checks in and removes his disguise when he is about to skitter; Rangaiah catches him, and they are united. Finally, Saroja pleads pardon from Sita & Raju. Papaiah also repents and couples up Sita with Vasu.