The film begins with the silver jubilee celebrations of a magazine, Vajrayudham, when its Editor, Janakiramaiah, felicitates a noble writer, Madhu. Janakiramaiah resides with his children, Ravi & Jyothi. Madhu endears Jyothi and decides to espouse her. Besides, Jaganadham is a baleful wrapped up with criminal offenses under the grab of honor. Janakiramaiah exasperates him as he takes a stab to expose his lousy play. Hence, he ploys to throw Janakiramaiah into debt, leading to his death. Therein, rectitude Madhu continues the magazine's legacy disguised as Madhavaiah. Parallelly, Ravi loves Jaganadham's daughter Neela when he wiles to slay Ravi and is declared dead. Listening to it, Neela turns dispirited. Now, Madhu proceeds abroad to the concert when Jaganadham artifices denounce Jyothi's virtue, which makes her quit, and the orphanage shelters her. Soon after the return, Madhu publicly attests and clears Jyothi's taint and moves for her, but in vain. To satisfy his ailing mother, Shantamma's request, Madhu accepts to knit Neela. Anyhow, Neela denies and attempts suicide, and unbeknownst, Jyothi secures and befriends her. Presently, Jyothi consoles and attunes her to a nuptial with Madhu by self-sacrificing. Meanwhile, Ravi retrieves alive, but Jaganadham snares him. During the splice, Jaganadham kidnaps Jyothi and Madhu, and Madhavaiah shields them. They reach the venue where Madhu shoots up himself, unveils Jaganadham's diabolic shade, and ceases him. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note.