The film begins with Prakash, a stubborn kid son of tycoon Notla Raghunath Chowdary. He befriends Govind, who performs and sells Ektara before his school without a status barrier. One day, Raghunath Chowdary has an accident in which Govind's mother dies, and he becomes an orphan. Thus, Prakash accommodates him, does not care even to die, and coercives his parents to accept him. Years roll by and the besties' ties also grow with them. However, Prakash's parents still envy Govind. Afterward, Prakash moves abroad. Raghunath Chowdary intrigues to discard Govind. Considering it, he quits when an old watchman of a group of apartments shelter and Govind becomes an auxiliary to the residents.
Over that period, Govind acquaints a blind girl, Kasthuri, whom he consorts and loves. Kasthuri's father is an alcoholic who dies in an accident, entrusting his daughter to Govind. Now, he aims to retrieve Kasthuri's eyesight and contacts an eye specialist, Dr. Prabhavathi. She assures them of success, for which they must undergo expensive surgery. Parallelly as an anecdote, Bhadram, the secretary of the apartments, is hounded by his nephew Goldman. Once, he intoxicates him to grab his wealth. Thereupon, Govind owes him the pay for the operation. Following his return, Bhadram spots that his riches disappear when he ruses, robs the jewelry of association, incriminates Govind, and is sentenced. Meanwhile, Kasthuri recoups her vision and is distressed for Govind when Prabhavathi accommodates her.
In prison, Govind gets close to Jailor Rama Rao, Prabhavathi's divorced husband, and attempts to reunite them. For now, Prakash returns and enrages his parents for kicking off Govind. At one point, he views Kasthuri at his aunt Prabhavathi's residence and falls for her. He also makes his parents unwillingly accept the match. Initially, Kasthuri refuses his proposal, but she receives it when Prakash attempts suicide. Besides, Goldman proves Govind innocent and acquitted. Circumstantially, he encounters Prakash, whom he bounces back to, who is glad to hear about Prakash's nuptial but is astounded to see Kasthuri as the bride. Since Kasthuri is unbeknownst to Govind's features, she fails to identify him.
At this stage, Govind is silent as Kasthuri may discern his voice. Moreover, he succeeds in fusing the Rama Rao couple in furtherance of this marriage and convinces Prabhavathi to stay quiet. During the wedding, Kasthuri recognizes Govind via a photograph they took of her revolting and asking him questions. Then, he foretells that he is only concerned for her, not love. Overhearing it, Prakash asks Govind to take an expletive on the devout apparatus of wedlock and say that his feelings for Kasthuri are untrue. Govind does accordingly, but he backs up when Prakash asks to take an oath on him as he cannot tell a lie. Here, Govind states the eminence of their friendship and proclaims that he is ready to sacrifice anything for his friend. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note, with Prakash pairing Govind & Kasthuri.