The film begins in a village where Narasimham is a tyrant who exploits the farmers, conspires to seize the peasants' barren lands, and intimidates them. Bangaru Muvva Bala Gopalam is a venturous dare to stymie the venoms of Narasimham. Suddenly, two orphans, Raju & Lakshmi, who absconded from the orphanage owing to a grave penalty, arrive. Hitherto, they prepare to adopt a father for their caretaking. They cleverly dwell at his residence by esteeming Gopalam's idolization and benignancy. Pronto gets friendly towards them, so he embraces them as his children and promises never to pronounce them orphans.
Besides, Rekha, a supercilious medico, is the daughter of a tycoon, Shekar Rao, a snob. Once, she appears in the village on the grounds of a medical camp when Gopalam indignities her friends. Beholding Rekha, the children crave to possess her as their mother by knitting with their foster father, but she misses her. To trace her, they advertise Gopalam's photograph in the matrimony for the bride, which he is unbeknownst to. Rekha keeps an eye on it because of conjecture. She thinks everything is wet regarding Gopalam and decides to crack down on him. Therefore, she gets close to Gopalam counterfeiting as a rustic Subba Lakshmi whom he wholeheartedly loves and prepares to espouse her.
Just before the wedding, Rekha unwraps her play-act and mocks Gopalam. At once, he challenges to win back Rekha as the mother of his children and originates in the city. Interim Shekar Rao makes Rekha's betrothals with his stealthy nephew Govinda Babu, which she detests. At this step, Rekha fathoms Gopalam's excellence and walks with him. Narasimham snares the village between times when Forthwith, Shekar Rao & Govinda Babu inflict to retract Rekha and whisk with Narasimham. On betrayal, the two below the belt detach children from Gopalam and conspire to vandalize the village. At last, Gopalam hiatus his ruse, and the children also break the prison. Finally, the movie ends happily, with the children conjoining with Gopalam.