The story revolves around Vijayan Joseph Muhammed, a unique person who owns a pet shop. He had come to this place years back with a circus troupe. The pet shop is a concern to many of his neighbours. Kalesh is the MLA of this particular constituency and the next election is nearing. While attending the first holy communion of Abraham's daughter, Kalesh's wife Chithra abducts a Macaw. And Vijayan gets the video of Chithra in which she takes the parrot. As for the circumstances they allow him to stay in their home for the sake of elections. One day Vijayan is offered a job but he refuses it and cites that he is not feeling well. The next day, Velu tries to wake up Vijayan after his phone beeps but he doesn't get up. He is declared dead. Everyone from the local neighbourhood mourns and weep from Vijayan's death. Finally, Kalesh sends off the Vijayan's Macaw to an unfortunate girl, who had earlier wished to have it. Then Kalesh and Chithra go home.
Panchavarnathatha is the directorial debut of Ramesh Pisharody and he co-wrote the film with Hari P. Nair. It was originally meant to be directed by Nadirshah, who suggested Pisharody to direct it himself. Since Maniyanpilla Raju had earlier suggested Pisharody to direct a film some years ago, he approached Raju for investing the film to which he agreed.[2] Principal photography commenced on 10 January 2018 at Velloor, Kottayam in Kerala. The main locations are Karikode, Peruva and Pala.[3]
The music of the film is composed by M. Jayachandran and Nadirshah, while lyrics is written by Santhosh Varma and B. K. Harinarayanan. The full soundtrack album consisting of 4 tracks was released on 5 April 2018 by Manorama Music.