Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi (忍者と殺し屋のふたりぐらし, "A Ninja and Assassin Living Together") is a Japanese manga series by HundredBurger. It has been serialized in ASCII Media Works' shōnen manga magazine Comic Dengeki Daioh "g" since February 2021 and has been collected in four tankōbon volumes. An anime television series adaptation produced by Shaft is set to premiere in April 2025.
Written and illustrated by HundredBurger, Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi began serialization in ASCII Media Works' shōnen manga magazine Comic Dengeki Daioh "g" on February 26, 2021.[4] The series' chapters have been compiled into four tankōbon volumes as of April 2024.[5]
An anime adaptation produced by Shaft was announced on April 23, 2024.[1] It was later confirmed to be a television series directed by Yukihiro Miyamoto, with series composition by the staff of Shaft under the collective pseudonym Fuyashi Tou, character designs by Kazuya Shiotsuki, and music composed by Ryūnosuke Kasai. It is set to premiere in April 2025.[3]
The series was nominated for the eighth Next Manga Awards in 2022 in the print category.[9]
^Credited under the collective pseudonym Fuyashi Tou.