During the challenge, contestants were required to dance and lip-sync on the main stage as they portrayed various characters and other aspects of the burlesque. Leland assisted with the vocal recording process;[4] choreography was supervised by Leslie Jordan. Both would appear in the performance portraying Christian and the Duke of Dickington, respectively. Gabe Lopez produced the music.[5]
The runway theme was "Mirror, Mirror". RuPaul named Lady Camden the winner, while Bosco and Jorgeous placed in the bottom two. After lip-syncing to "Heartbreak Hotel (Hex Hector Remix)" by Whitney Houston, Jorgeous was declared a winner but Bosco was saved from elimination due to "Golden Candy Bar" twist introduced early in the season.
The contestant lost the lipsync but was revealed to possess the golden chocolate bar and was saved from elimination.
Stephen Daw of Billboard wrote, "Season 14's installment of the annual Rusical challenge was, to borrow a phrase, spectacular-spectacular. With a clear-cut concept, some entertaining takes on RuPaul originals and a series of show-stopping performances, Moulin Ru will go down as one of the best Rusicals in the show’s herstory, come what may."[6] Nola Ojomu of PinkNews said "the Rusical "was hailed one of the best ever".[7]Xtra Magazine's Kevin O’Keeffe called "Moulin Ru" "an absolute blast, and one of my favourite Rusicals ever". He wrote, "Yes, it’s another instance of Ru songs being remixed. But unlike in other cases, it makes sense here: Moulin Rouge! is all about mashing up and covering classic pop songs. Of course the Rusical version would have to feature Ru songs."[8]