Although this is the third animated appearance of Mickey's nephews, it is the first to show only two of them. The film is therefore considered the first identifiable and most significant animated appearance of Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse, Mickey's twin nephews from the Mickey Mouse comic strip.[5]
The film was also called The Steamroller during production, and Mickey's Steamroller upon its re-release. Disney archivist Dave Smith has also stylized the title as Mickey's Steam-Roller.[3]
Mickey Mouse drives an anthropomorphicsteamroller while a group of dogface workmen perform road maintenance. Meanwhile, Minnie Mouse appears as the nanny of a young Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse, pushing them in a stroller and singing "Pease Porridge Hot". Mickey drives by and they wave at him. Mickey stops and gives the boys a ride with the steamroller by attaching the vehicle's tow rope to their stroller.
After this, Mickey flirts with Minnie by giving her some Sweethearts candy and tries to steal a kiss. While they are distracted, Morty and Ferdie climb onto Mickey's steamroller and drive it away. Mickey frantically runs after the nephews, but when he attempts to cut them off, he finds himself being chased instead.
The nephews go on to cause extensive damage with the steamroller. Finally they chase Mickey into a multistory hotel, destroying the entire building except for the bathtub on each floor, each with a current bather. Unhurt in the rubble, Mickey laughs as Morty and Ferdie see-saw on a board balanced on his head.