Mickey's Mechanical Man is a 1933 animated short cartoon created by Walt Disney. It was the 57th Mickey Mouse short film, and the seventh of that year.[1]
Mickey finds out about a new boxing match involving "Kongo the Killer". Mickey constructs a mechanical man, and teaches it how to box while playing piano. Minnie Mouse then comes and honks her car horn, causing the mechanical man to run into a frenzy. The match then begins, and the mechanical man is losing, once felt dazed by Kongo. Kongo is hitting his neck, causing his head to aim toward the ceiling. This continues, until Minnie uses her horn like she did earlier, causing the metal man becomes angry and knocks Kongo to the ground. The mechanical man is seen beating up Kongo, and Mickey and the other fans happily clap, and Mickey and Minnie kiss successfully as the cartoon ends.
The cartoon is featured in the 2010 game Epic Mickey as a 2-part projector screen level, which connects parts of "Tomorrow City", which is based on Disneyland's Tomorrowland. Also a minigame based on the short appears in the 2019 video game Kingdom Hearts III, where the player controls the robot's movements to defeat the gorilla.