List of restriction enzyme cutting sites: Bsa–Bso

Legend of nucleobases
Code Nucleotide represented
A Adenine (A)
C Cytosine (C)
G Guanine (G)
T Thymine (T)
N A, C, G or T
M A or C
R A or G
W A or T
Y C or T
S C or G
K G or T
H A, C or T
B C, G or T
V A, C or G
D A, G or T

This article contains a list of the most studied restriction enzymes whose names start with Bsa to Bso inclusive. It contains approximately 90 enzymes. The following information is given:

  • Enzyme: Accepted name of the molecule, according to the internationally adopted nomenclature[1][2], and bibliographical references. (Further reading: see the section "Nomenclature" in the article "Restriction enzyme".)
  • PDB code: Code used to identify the structure of a protein in the PDB database of protein structures. The 3D atomic structure of a protein provides highly valuable information to understand the intimate details of its mechanism of action[3][4].
  • Source: Organism that naturally produces the enzyme.
  • Recognition sequence: Sequence of DNA recognized by the enzyme and to which it specifically binds.
  • Cut: Cutting site and DNA products of the cut. The recognition sequence and the cutting site usually match, but sometimes the cutting site can be dozens of nucleotides away from the recognition site[5][6].
  • Isoschizomers and neoschizomers: An isoschizomer is an enzyme that recognizes the same sequence as another. A neoschizomer is a special type of isoschizomer that recognizes the same sequence as another, but cuts in a different manner. A maximum number of 8-10 most common isoschizomers are indicated for every enzyme but there may be many more. Neoschizomers are shown in bold and green color font (e.g.: BamHI). When "None on date" is indicated, that means that there were no registered isoschizomers in the databases on that date with a clearly defined cutting site. Isoschizomers indicated in white font and grey background correspond to enzymes not listed in the current lists:
as in this not listed enzyme:  EcoR70I 

Whole list navigation

Restriction enzymes

Bsa - Bso

Enzyme PDB code Source Recognition sequence Cut Isoschizomers
BsaI Bacillus stearothermophilus 20241 5' GGTCTC
5' ---GGTCTCN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CCAGAGNNNNN   --- 5'
Bso31I, BspTNI, Eco31I
Bsa29I Bacillus sp. 29 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT   CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC   TA--- 5'
AagI, BanIII, BavCI, BseCI, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI, BbvAII
BsaAI Bacillus stearothermophilus G668 5' YACGTR
5' ---YAC   GTR--- 3'
3' ---RTG   CAY--- 5'
BsaBI Bacillus stearothermophilus B674 5' GATN4ATC
5' ---GATNN   NNATC--- 3'
3' ---CTANN   NNTAG--- 5'
BsaHI[7] Bacillus stearothermophilus CPW11 5' GRCGYC
5' ---GR   CGYC--- 3'
3' ---CYGC   RG--- 5'
AcyI, AhaII, AosII, AstWI, AsuIII, BbiII, BstACI, HgiI, PamII
BsaJI Bacillus stearothermophilus J695 5' CCNNGG
5' ---C   CNNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNNC   C--- 5'
BsaMI Bacillus stearothermophilus M293 5' GAATGC
5' ---GAATGCN   --- 3'
3' ---CTTAC   GN--- 5'
Asp26HI, Asp35HI, Asp36HI, Asp50HI, BsaMI, BsmI, Mva1269I
BsaOI Bacillus stearothermophilus O-122 5' CGRYCG
5' ---CGRY   CG--- 3'
3' ---GC   YRGC--- 5'
BsaWI Bacillus stearothermophilus W1718 5' WCCGGW
5' ---W   CCGGW--- 3'
3' ---WGGCC   W--- 5'
BsaXI[8] Bacillus stearothermophilus 25B 5' ACN5CTCC
5' ---ACN5CTCCN6NNNN   --- 3'
3' ---TGN5GAGGN6N   NNN--- 5'
 BsmCI, BsmDI, BsmXI 
BscI Bacillus sp. 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT   CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC   TA--- 5'
BanIII, BavCI, Bci29I, BdiI, Bli41I, BliAI, LplI, PgaI, SpmI
Bsc4I Bacillus schlegelii 4 5' CCN7GG
5' ---CCNNNNN   NNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNN   NNNNNCC--- 5'
Bsc91I Bacillus sp. 5' GAAGAC
5' ---GAAGACNN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CTTCTGNNNNNN   --- 5'
Bsc107I Bacillus schlegelii 107 5' CCN7GG
5' ---CCNNNNN   NNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNN   NNNNNCC--- 5'
BscAI Bacillus schlegelii S3 5' GCATC
5' ---GCATCNNNN   NN--- 3'
3' ---CGTAGNNNNNN   --- 5'
BscBI Bacillus sp. A11 5' GGNNCC
5' ---GGN   NCC--- 3'
3' ---CCN   NGG--- 5'
AspNI,  BmiI,  BspLI, NlaIV,
BscCI Bacillus sp. 2G 5' GAATGC
5' ---GAATGCN   --- 3'
3' ---CTTAC   GN--- 5'
Asp26HI, Asp27HI, Asp35HI, Asp36HI, BsaMI, BscCI, PctI
BscFI Bacillus sp. JY391 5' GATC
5' ---   GATC--- 3'
3' ---CTAG   --- 5'
Bfi57I, Bsp143I, BspJI, BtkII, CviAI, Kzo9I, NlaII, SsiBI
Bse1I Bacillus stearothermophilus 1 5' ACTGG
5' ---ACTGGN   --- 3'
3' ---TGAC   CN--- 5'
Bse8I Bacillus sp. 8 5' GATN4ATC
5' ---GATNN   NNATC--- 3'
3' ---CTANN   NNTAG--- 5'
Bse15I Bacillus sp. 15 5' CYCGRG
5' ---C   YCGRG--- 3'
3' ---GRGCY   C--- 5'
Ama87I, AvaI, BcoI, BsoBI, BstSI, Eco88I, NspSAI, OfoI
Bse16I Bacillus sp. 16 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AeuI, BseBI, BsiLI, BstNI, BstM6I, BthDI, BthEI, EcoRII, MvaI
Bse17I Bacillus sp. 17 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AeuI, BseBI, Bse16I, Bst2I, BstNI, Bst38I, Bst100I, Psp6I, PspGI
Bse21I Bacillus sp. 21 5' CCTNAGG
5' ---CC   TNAGG--- 3'
3' ---GGANT   CC--- 5'
AxyI, BliHKI, BspR7I, Bsu36I, Eco81I, MstII, OxaNI, SshAI
Bse24I Bacillus sp. 24 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AeuI, BseBI, Bse16I, Bst2I, BstNI, Bst38I, Bst100I, Psp6I, PspGI
Bse64I Bacillus sp. 64 5' GGTNACC
5' ---G   GTNACC--- 3'
3' ---CCANTG   G--- 5'
AspAI, Bse64I, BseT9I, BstPI, EcaI, Eci125I, EcoO65I, NspSAII
Bse118I[9] Bacillus sp. 118 5' RCCGGY
5' ---R   CCGGY--- 3'
3' ---YGGCC   R--- 5'
Bse634I 1KNV Bacillus sp. 634 5' RCCGGY
5' ---R   CCGGY--- 3'
3' ---YGGCC   R--- 5'
BseAI[10] Bacillus sphaericus 5' TCCGGA
5' ---T   CCGGA--- 3'
3' ---AGGCC   T--- 5'
AccIII, Aor13HI, BlfI, BsiMI, Bsp13I, BspMII, CauB3I, Kpn2I
BseBI[11] Bacillus stearothermophilus 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AjnI, AorI, Bse17I, Bst1I, BstOI, Bst2UI, EcoRII, MvaI, SleI, ZanI
BseCI[12][13][14] Bacillus sp. 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT   CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC   TA--- 5'
AagI, BanIII, BavCI, Bsa29I, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI, LcaI
BseDI Bacillus stearothermophilus RFL1434 5' CCNNGG
5' ---C   CNNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNNC   C--- 5'
Bse3DI Bacillus stearothermophilus 3D 5' GCAATG
5' ---GCAATGNN   --- 3'
3' ---CGTTAC   NN--- 5'
BseGI Bacillus stearothermophilus Vs 34-031 5' GGATG
5' ---GGATGNN   --- 3'
3' ---CCTAC   NN--- 5'
BseJI Bacillus stearothermophilus Tsp5 5' GATN4ATC
5' ---GATNN   NNATC--- 3'
3' ---CTANN   NNTAG--- 5'
BseKI Bacillus stearothermophilus Ra3-212 5' GCAGC
5' ---GCAGCN7N   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CGTCGN7NNNNN   --- 5'
AlwXI, BbvI, BseXI, Bsp423I, Bst12I, Bst71I, BstV1I
BseLI Bacillus stearothermophilus LK3-551 5' CCN7GG
5' ---CCNNNNN   NNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNN   NNNNNCC--- 5'
BseMI Bacillus stearothermophilus Isl 15-111 5' GCAATG
5' ---GCAATGNN   --- 3'
3' ---CGTTAC   NN--- 5'
BseMII[15] Bacillus stearothermophilus Isl 15-111 5' CTCAG
5' ---CTCAGN7NNN   --- 3'
3' ---GAGTCN7N   NN--- 5'
BseNI Bacillus sp. N 5' ACTGG
5' ---ACTGGN   --- 3'
3' ---TGAC   CN--- 5'
BsePI Bacillus stearothermophilus P6 5' GCGCGC
5' ---G   CGCGC--- 3'
3' ---CGCGC   G--- 5'
BseQI Bacillus sp. Q 5' GGCC
5' ---GG   CC--- 3'
3' ---CC   GG--- 5'
BseRI[16] Bacillus sp. R 5' GAGGAG
5' ---GAGGAGN7NNN   --- 3'
3' ---CTCCTCN7N   NN--- 5'
BseSI[17] Bacillus stearothermophilus Jo-553 5' GKGCMC
5' ---GKGCM   C--- 3'
3' ---C   MCGKG--- 5'
BseT9I Bacillus sp. T9 5' GGTNACC
5' ---G   GTNACC--- 3'
3' ---CCANTG   G--- 5'
AcrII, Bse64I, BstEII, BstT9I, EcaI, Eci125I, EcoO65I, NspSAII, PspEI
BseT10I Bacillus sp. T10 5' GGTNACC
5' ---G   GTNACC--- 3'
3' ---CCANTG   G--- 5'
AcrII, AspAI, BstEII, BstT10I, BstPI, EcoO128I, EcoO65I, PspEI
BseXI Bacillus stearothermophilus Ra3-212 5' GCAGC
5' ---GCAGCN7N   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CGTCGN7NNNNN   --- 5'
AlwXI, BbvI, BseKI, Bsp423I, Bst12I, Bst71I, BstV1I
BseX3I Bacillus stearothermophilus X3 5' CGGCCG
5' ---C   GGCCG--- 3'
3' ---GCCGG   C--- 5'
AaaI, BstZI, EagI, EclXI, Eco52I, SenPT16I, XmaIII
BseYI Bacillus sp. 2521 5' CCCAGC
5' ---C   CCAGC--- 3'
3' ---GGGTC   G--- 5'
BseZI Bacillus sp. Z 5' CTCTTC
5' ---CTCTTCN   NNN--- 3'
3' ---GAGAAGNNNN   --- 5'
BsgI Bacillus sphaericus B922 5' GTGCAG
5' ---GTGCAGN12NNNN   --- 3'
3' ---CACGTCN12NN   NN--- 5'
BshI Bacillus sphaericus 5' GGCC
5' ---GG   CC--- 3'
3' ---CC   GG--- 5'
Bsh45I Bacillus sphaericus 45 5' GWGCWC
5' ---GWGCW   C--- 3'
3' ---C   WCGWG--- 5'
Alw21I, AspHI, Bbv12I, BsiHKAI,
HgiAI,  HpyF46II,  MspV281I
Bsh1236I Bacillus sphaericus RFL1236 5' CGCG
5' ---CG   CG--- 3'
3' ---GC   GC--- 5'
AccII, BceBI, BspFNI, Bsp50I, Csp68KVI, FauBII, MvnI, SelI
Bsh1285I Bacillus sphaericus RFL1285 5' CGRYCG
5' ---CGRY   CG--- 3'
3' ---GC   YRGC--- 5'
Bsh1365I Bacillus sphaericus RFL1365 5' GATN4ATC
5' ---GATNN   NNATC--- 3'
3' ---CTANN   NNTAG--- 5'
BshFI[18] Bacillus sphaericus 5' GGCC
5' ---GG   CC--- 3'
3' ---CC   GG--- 5'
BshGI Bacillus sphaericus 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AeuI, BseBI, Bse16I, Bst2I, BstNI, Bst38I, Bst100I, PspGI, SspAI
BshKI Bacillus sphaericus 5' GGNCC
5' ---G   GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG   G--- 5'
AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, Bsp1894I, BspBII, CcuI, MaeK81II, Pde12I
BshNI Bacillus sphaericus TK-45 5' GGYRCC
5' ---G   GYRCC--- 3'
3' ---CCRYG   G--- 5'
BanI, BbvBI, BspT107I, Eco64I, HgiCI, HgiHI, MspB4I, PfaAI
BshTI Bacillus sphaericus Jo22-024 5' ACCGGT
5' ---A   CCGGT--- 3'
3' ---TGGCC   A--- 5'
AgeI, AsiAI,  AsiGI,  CsiAI
CspAI, PinAI
BsiI[19][20] Bacillus sphaericus 5' CACGAG
5' ---C   ACGAG--- 3'
3' ---GTGCT   C--- 5'
BsiBI[21] Bacillus sp. 5' GATN4ATC
5' ---GATNN   NNATC--- 3'
3' ---CTANN   NNTAG--- 5'
BsiCI Bacillus sp. 5' TTCGAA
5' ---TT   CGAA--- 3'
3' ---AAGC   TT--- 5'
AcpI, AsuII, Bpu14I, BspT104I, Csp45I, FspII, NspV, PpaAI, SfuI
BsiEI[22] Bacillus sp. 5' CGRYCG
5' ---CGRY   CG--- 3'
3' ---GC   YRGC--- 5'
BsiHKAI[23] Bacillus stearothermophilus 5' GWGCWC
5' ---GWGCW   C--- 3'
3' ---C   WCGWG--- 5'
Alw21I, AspHI, Bbv12I, Bsh45I,
 Bsm6I,  HgiAI, MspV281I
BsiHKCI Bacillus sp. HKC 5' CYCGRG
5' ---C   YCGRG--- 3'
3' ---GRGCY   C--- 5'
AquI, BcoI, Bse15I, BspLU4I, Eco88I, Nli3877I, PlaAI, PunAI
BsiKI[24] Bacillus sp. 5' GGTNACC
5' ---G   GTNACC--- 3'
3' ---CCANTG   G--- 5'
BsiLI Bacillus sp. 5' CCWGG
5' ---CC   WGG--- 3'
3' ---GGW   CC--- 5'
AglI, BseBI, Bse17I, Bst2I, BstNI, Bst38I, Bst100I, EcoRII, MvaI
BsiMI Bacillus sp. 5' TCCGGA
5' ---T   CCGGA--- 3'
3' ---AGGCC   T--- 5'
AccIII, BbvAIII, BlfI, Bsp13I, BspMII, Bsu23I, Kpn2I, PinBII
BsiQI Bacillus sp. 5' TGATCA
5' ---T   GATCA--- 3'
3' ---ACTAG   T--- 5'
AbaI, BclI, BspXII,
BstT7I, FbaI, Ksp22I,  ParI 
BsiSI[25] Bacillus sp. 5' CCGG
5' ---C   CGG--- 3'
3' ---GGC   C--- 5'
BsiWI Bacillus sp. 5' CGTACG
5' ---C   GTACG--- 3'
3' ---GCATG   C--- 5'
BsiXI Bacillus sp. X 5' ATCGAT
5' ---AT   CGAT--- 3'
3' ---TAGC   TA--- 5'
BscI, BsiXI, Bsp106I, BspDI, Bsu15I, BsuTUI, ClaI, Rme21I
BsiYI[26] Bacillus sp. 5' CCN7GG
5' ---CCNNNNN   NNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNN   NNNNNCC--- 5'
BsiZI Bacillus sp. 5' GGNCC
5' ---G   GNCC--- 3'
3' ---CCNG   G--- 5'
AspS9I, Bac36I, BavAII, BshKI, BspBII, CcuI, MaeK81II, Pde12I
BslI Bacillus sp. 5' CCN7GG
5' ---CCNNNNN   NNGG--- 3'
3' ---GGNN   NNNNNCC--- 5'
BslFI Bacillus stearothermophilus FI 5' GGGAC
5' ---GGGACN8NN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CCCTGN8NNNNNN   --- 5'
BsmI Bacillus stearothermophilus NUB 5' GAATGC
5' ---GAATGCN   --- 3'
3' ---CTTAC   GN--- 5'
Asp26HI, Asp36HI, Asp40HI, BmaHI, BscCI, Mva1269I, PctI
BsmAI Bacillus stearothermophilus A664 5' GTCTC
5' ---GTCTCN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CAGAGNNNNN   --- 5'
Alw26I,  BcoDI, BscQII,  BsoMAI,
BsmBI Bacillus stearothermophilus B61 5' CGTCTC
5' ---CGTCTCN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---GCAGAGNNNNN   --- 5'
BsmFI Bacillus stearothermophilus F 5' GGGAC
5' ---GGGACN8NN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CCCTGN8NNNNNN   --- 5'
BsmSI Bacillus stearothermophilus CP114 5' CCWWGG
5' ---C   CWWGG--- 3'
3' ---GGWWC   C--- 5'
Bso31I Bacillus stearothermophilus E31 5' GGTCTC
5' ---GGTCTCN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CCAGAGNNNNN   --- 5'
BsoBI 1DC1 Bacillus stearothermophilus JN2091 5' CYCGRG
5' ---C   YCGRG--- 3'
3' ---GRGCY   C--- 5'
AquI, BcoI, BsiHKCI, BspLU4I, Eco88I, Nli3877I, PlaAI, PunAI
BsoCI Bacillus stearothermophilus AU891 5' GDGCHC
5' ---GDGCH   C--- 3'
3' ---C   HCGDG--- 5'
AocII, BmyI, Bsp1286I, BspLS2I, MhlI, NspII, SduI
BsoFI Bacillus stearothermophilus F66 5' GCNGC
5' ---GC   NGC--- 3'
3' ---CGN   CG--- 5'
BsoMAI Bacillus stearothermophilus MA 5' GTCTC
5' ---GTCTCN   NNNN--- 3'
3' ---CAGAGNNNNN   --- 5'
Alw26I,  BcoDI, BscQII,  BsmAI,


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