List of castles in Spain
Dating back to the early 12th century, the Alcázar of Segovia is one of the most distinctive medieval castles in Europe. Disney was inspired by this site in building Cinderella's castle .
The castles in Spain were built mainly for the country 's defense, particularly with respect to fortification. During the Middle Ages , northern Christian kingdoms had to secure their borders with their Muslim southern neighbours, thus forcing both Christian and Muslim kings to grant border fiefs to their liege noblemen so as to keep and maintain defensive fortresses. When the Reconquista advanced, those border castles lost their initial purpose, and, as in the rest of medieval Europe, they were used as noble residences and fief-keeps. Sporadic threats of war maintained their initial military purposes as enemy invasions were common. In some locations, such as the Basque country , fiefdoms did not exist as such, and noble families could not afford nor did they need huge fortresses, giving rise to many tower houses . In Muslim Spain many castle-palaces were built: the petty taifa kingdoms that arose after the fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba were militarily weak thus castles began taking on a more aesthetic purpose. During the late Middle Ages, Christian kingdoms had secured and enriched themselves well enough to support a more courtly lifestyle, so more residential castles were built, such as the Alcázar of Segovia , which was used as the main residence of the kings of Castile , whereas the Castle of Olite , built in a luxurious gothic style, was the seat of the Kingdom of Navarre 's royal court.
After the Conquest of Granada in 1492, the Catholic monarchs ordered all the castles in their realms to be handed over to the Crown. Although the order was not completely carried out, the War of the Germanias , a rebellion against king Charles V in the early 16th century, forced the new Spanish Habsburg dynasty to continue the process, and many castles were demolished as well. Most of the castles in Spain were successively abandoned and dismantled, Spanish kings fearing noble and peasant revolts, especially in the newly conquered lands. Accordingly, some of them are nowadays in a state of decay, and although some restoration work has been done, the number of former castles is so large that the Spanish government lacks both the resources and the will to restore them all.
Alcazaba of Almería
Battery of Guardias Viejas
Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera
Castle of Aznalmara
Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz)
Castle of Sancti Petri
Castle of San Marcos
Castle of Santiago
Castle of Doña Blanca
Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
The Alhambra of Granada.
Castle of La Calahorra
Castle of la Yedra
Castle of Santa Catalina
Castle of Mata Bejid
Alcazaba of Málaga.
Gibralfaro Castle, Málaga.
Alcazaba of Antequera
Alcázar of Seville
Torre del Oro
Castle of Loarre
Citadel of Jaca
Castle of Peracense
Castle of Aljafería
Castle of Las Caldas
Castle of Tudela
Torreón of Llanes
Castle of Butrón
Castle of Empress Eugénie de Montijo
Castle of Bellver
Castle of Cabrera
Castle of Argüeso
Castle of Don Álvaro de Luna
Castle of Burgos
Castle of Olmillos de Sasamón
Castle of Valencia de Don Juan
Templar Castle of Ponferrada
Castle of Ampudia
Real Fuerte de la Concepción
Alcázar of Segovia
Castle of Coca
Castle of Cuéllar
Castle of Almenar
Castle of Montuenga
Castle of Ucero
Castle of the Counts of Benavente
Castle of Castrotorafe
Castle of Zamora
Castle of Gormaz, Soria
Castle of La Mota
Castle of Peñafiel , view from Plaza del Coso Portillo Castle
Castle of Torrelobatón
Simancas Castle
Walls of Urueña , a medieval town
Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón
Castle of Almansa .
Castle of Calatrava la Vieja
Castle-Convent of Calatrava la Nueva
Castle of Peñarroya
Castle of Alarcón
Castle of Belmonte
Castle of Garcimuñoz
Castle of Anguix
Castle of Atienza
Alcázar Real of Guadalajara
Castle of the Cid
Castle of Molina de Aragón
Castle of Pioz
Castle of Sigüenza
Castle of Torija
Alcázar of Toledo
Castle of Guadamur
Castle of Oropesa
Castle of Malpica de Tajo
Castle of la Vela
Castle of Cuenca , (Cuenca )
Castle of Alarcón
Castle of Belmonte
Castle of Garcimuñoz
Castle of Huete , Alcazaba of Wabda or Castle of Luna
Castle of Puebla de Almenara - (Puebla de Almenara )
Castle of Haro (Villaescusa de Haro )
Castle of Moya (Moya )
Castle of Rochafrida Beteta
Castle del Cañavate , (El Cañavate )
Castle of Santiago de la Torre , (San Clemente )
Castle of Paracuellos , (Paracuellos )
Castle of Uclés , (Uclés )
Castle of Montalbo , (Montalbo )
Castle of La Hinojosa , (La Hinojosa )
Castle of Rus , (San Clemente )
Castle of Minglanilla , (Minglanilla )
Castle of Iniesta , (Iniesta )
Castle of Zafra de Záncara , (Zafra de Záncara )
Castle of Huélamo , (Huélamo )
Castle of Cañete , (Cañete )
Tower Mangana , (Cuenca )
Tower of the Moor , (Honrubia )
Old Tower , (San Clemente )
Tower of Ranera , (Talayuelas )
Alcázar Real de Guadalajara
Alcazaba of Zorita , in Zorita de los Canes
Castle of Albalate de Tajuña , in the municipality of Luzaga
Castle of Albaráñez , near Salmerón
Castle of Alcocer
Castle of Alcorlo , Castle del Corlo or Castle del Congosto , in San Andrés del Congosto
Castle of Algar de Mesa
Castle of Alhóndiga
Castle of Almalaff , near Hortezuela de Océn
Castle of Almoguera
Castle of Alpetea , in the municipality of Villar de Cobeta
Castle of Anguix
Castle of Aragosa
Castle of Arbeteta
Castle of Atienza
Castle of Baides
Castle of Bembibre , in Castilmimbre
Castle of Berninches
Castle of Canales del Ducado
Castle of Casasana
Castle of Castejón de Henares
Castle of Castilforte
Castle of Castilnuevo
Castle of Cobeta
Castle of Codes
Castle of the Count Don Julián , in the municipality of Taravilla
Castle of Cogolludo
Castle del Cuadrón or Castle of Santa Ana, in Auñón
Castle of Cuevas Minadas
Castle of Diempures , in Cantalojas
Castle of Don Juan Manuel , in Cifuentes
Castle of Doña Urraca or Castle of Molinán , in Beleña de Sorbe
Castle of Durón
Castle of Embid
Castle of Escamilla
Castle of Escopete
Castle of Espinosa de Henares or El Palacio
Castle of Establés or Castle of the Bad Shadow
Castle of Fuentelencina and Tower of the Moor Cantana
Castle of la Fandiña , in the municipality of Taravilla
Castle of Fuentelsaz
Castle of Fuentelviejo
Castle of Fuentes , in Fuentes de la Alcarria
Castle of los Funes , in Villel de Mesa
Castle of Galve de Sorbe or Castle of the Zúñiga
Castle of Guijosa
Old castle of Guijosa
Castle of Guisema , in the municipality of Tortuera
Castle of Hita
Castle of Hueva
Castle of Inesque , between Angón and Pálmaces de Jadraque , in the municipality of Atienza
Castle of Jadraque or Castle of the Cid
Castle of Labros
Castle of La Yunta
Castle of Loranca de Tajuña
Castle of Mandayona
Castle of Mayrena , in Horche
Castle of Mesa , in the municipality of Villel de Mesa
Castle of Miedes de Atienza
Castle of Milmarcos
Castle of Mochales
Castle of Molina de Aragón or Fortress of Molina de los Caballeros
Castle of Mondéjar
Castle of Montarrón
Castle of the Moor , en Terzaga
Castle of the Moors (Luzón) , near Luzón
Castle of the Moors (Tierzo) , in Tierzo
Castle of Motos
Castle of Muduex
Castle of Murel de Tajo or Castle of Santa María de Murel , between Morillejo and Carrascosa de Tajo
Castle of Ocentejo
Castle of Orea
Castle of Palazuelos
Castle of Pareja
Castle of Pelegrina
Castle of Peña Bermeja , in Brihuega
Castle of Peñahora , near Humanes
Castle of Peñalén
Castle of Peñalver
Castle of las Peñas Alkalathem or Castle of las Peñas Alcalatenas , between Trillo and Viana de Mondéjar , on one of the Tetas de Viana
Pesebrico del Cid , Castle of Álvaro Yáñez or Castle of Barafáñez , near Romanones
Castle of Pioz
Castle of Rocha Frida , in the municipality of Atanzón
Castle of Rueda de la Sierra
Castle of Saceda , near Peralejos de las Truchas
Castle of Salmerón
Castle of Santiuste , near Corduente
Castle of Sigüenza
Castle of Riba de Santiuste
Castle of Tamajón
Castle of Tendilla
Castle of Trillo
Castle of Torija
Castle of Torresaviñán , Castle of San Juan (La Torresaviñán) or Castle of la Luna , in La Torresaviñán
Castle of Trijueque
Castle of Uceda
Castle of Valfermoso de Tajuña
Castle of Valtablado del Río
Castle of Vállaga , in the municipality of Illana
Castle of Viana de Mondéjar
Castle of Yunquera de Henares
Castle of Zafra (Guadalajara) , near Campillo de Dueñas
Fortress of Alcolea de Torote , between Torrejón del Rey and Galápagos
Fortress of Las Inviernas
Fortress of Otilla
Fortress of Torrecuadrada de los Valles
Fortress of Torrecuadrada de Molina
Fort fusilier of San Francisco , in Guadalajara
Atalaya of los Casares , in the municipality of Riba de Saelices
Atalaya of San Marcos (Centenera de Suso) , in the municipality of Atanzón
Tower of Séñigo , near Sigüenza
Tower of Aragón , in Molina de Aragón
Tower of Chilluentes , in the municipality of Tartanedo
Tower of Doña Blanca (Taravilla) , in the municipality of Taravilla
Tower of la Almofala
Fort-House of La Bujeda , between Traíd and Otilla
Fort-House of Setiles
Fort-House of la Vega de Arias , near Tierzo
Casilla de los Moros , in Membrillera
Castle of Cardona
Castle charterhouse of Vallparadís
Castle of Granera
Tower Vermella
Castle of Castellet
Vila Vella enceinte
Castle of Peralada
Castle of Gardeny
Castle of Sant Marçal
Castle of les Sitges
Castle of Ratera
Castle of Coria.
Castle of Trujillo
Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa
Tower of Bujaco
Castle of Olivença
Castle of Zafra (Badajoz)
Castle of Alburquerque (Badajoz)
Alcazaba of Badajoz (Badajoz)
Castle da Rocha Forte
Castle of Vimianzo
Towers of Altamira
Castle do Castrodouro, keep.
Castle of Pambre
Tower of the Castle dos Andrade
Castle of Vilamarín
Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes
Castle of Monterreal
Castle of Soutomaior
Castle of Monterreal in Baiona
Castle of Naraío , (San Sadurniño )
Castle of Andrade or Fortress da Nogueirosa , (Pontedeume )
Castle da Lúa , (Rianxo )
Castle da Rocha Forte , (Santiago de Compostela )
Castle da Rocha Branca , (Padrón )
Castle of Fruzo , (Arzúa )
Castle of Mesía , (Mesía )
Castle of San Carlos (Finisterre)
Castle da Palma
Castle of Moeche
Castle of Vimianzo , (Vimianzo )
Castle of Cardenal , (Corcubión )
Castle of Casón , (Ortigueira )
Castle do Pico Sacro , (Boqueixón )
Castle do Príncipe , (Cee )
Castle do Soberano , (Camariñas )
Castle of Santo Antón
Castle of San Felipe, (Ferrol )
Fortress da Mota de Ois , (Coirós )
Fort of Santa Cruz , (Oleiros )
Torreón dos Andrade , (Pontedeume )
Towers of Altamira , (Brión )
Towers of Mens , (Malpica de Bergantiños )
Towers do Allo , (Zas )
Tower of Penela , (Cabana de Bergantiños )
Tower of Celas de Peiro , (Culleredo )
Tower of Cillobre , (A Laracha )
Tower of Figueroa , (Abegondo )
Tower of Hercules , (A Coruña)
Tower of Lama , (Mañón )
Tower of Nogueira , (Coristanco )
Tower of Orseño , (Porto do Son )
Tower of Xunqueiras , (A Pobra do Caramiñal )
Tower do Concello , (Betanzos )
Tower pazo de Vilardefrancos , (Carballo )
Tower of Goiáns , (Boiro )
Walls of Santiago de Compostela
Castle da Frouseira , (Foz )
Castle da Mota (Guntín) , (Guntín )
Castle da Pobra de Parga , (Guitiriz )
Castle of Amarante , (Antas de Ulla )
Castle of Arcos , (Chantada )
Castle of Burón , (A Fonsagrada )
Castle of Caldaloba , (Cospeito )
Castle of Carbedo , (O Courel )
Castle do Castrodouro , (Alfoz )
Castle of Castroverde , (Castroverde )
Castle of Doiras , (Cervantes )
Castle of Maside , (Pantón )
Castle of Miraz , (Friol )
Castle of Monforte de Lemos , (Monforte de Lemos )
Castle of Navia , (Navia de Suarna )
Castle of Pambre , (Palas de Rei )
Castle of Penas , (Monterroso )
Castle of Peñaflor , (Riotorto )
Castle of Saavedra , (Begonte )
Castle of Sarria , (Sarria )
Castle of Sequeiros , (Quiroga )
Castle of Torés , (As Nogais )
Castle of Tovar , (Lourenzá )
Castle of Vilalba , (Vilalba )
Castle Tower of Novaes , (Quiroga )
Fortress of San Paio de Narla , (Friol )
Fort of San Damián , (Ribadeo )
Tower Fortress of Friol , (Friol )
Tower da Bastida , (Pantón )
Tower da Candaira , (O Saviñao )
Tower of Doncos , (As Nogais )
Tower of Gorrete , (Mondoñedo )
Tower of Hospital , (O Incio )
Tower of Marce , (Pantón )
Tower of Moreda , (Monforte de Lemos )
Tower of Quindimil , (Palas de Rei )
Tower of Sobrada , (Outeiro de Rei )
Tower of Taboada , (Taboada )
Tower of Taboi , (Outeiro de Rei )
Tower of Támoga , (Cospeito )
Tower do Mouro , (Riotorto )
Fort-House of Lusio , (Samos )
Tower-House of Friol , (Friol )
Tower-House of Güimil , (O Saviñao )
Walls of Lugo
Alcázar of Milmanda , (Celanova )
Castle da Peroxa , (A Peroxa )
Castle of Allariz , (Allariz )
Castle of Castro Caldelas , (Castro Caldelas )
Castle of Cinconogueiras , (A Peroxa )
Castle of Fontearcada , (A Peroxa )
Castle of Maceda , (Maceda )
Castle of Monterrei , (Monterrei )
Castle da Piconha , (Calvos de Randín )
Castle of Ribadavia , (Ribadavia )
Castle of Roucos , (Cenlle )
Castle of Sandiás , (Sandiás )
Castle of Vilamarín , (Vilamarín )
Castle do Castro , (O Barco de Valdeorras )
Fortress of Sande , (Cartelle )
Pazo da Torre de Soutopenelo , (San Cibrao das Viñas )
Tower da Forxa , (Porqueira )
Tower da Pena da Portela , (Xinzo de Limia )
Tower of Torán , (Taboadela )
Tower of Viana , (Viana do Bolo )
Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes , (Celanova )
Tower do Bolo , (O Bolo )
Castle of Alemparte , (Fornelos de Montes )
Castle of Cira , (Silleda )
Castle of Fornelos , (Crecente )
Castle of Lobeira , (Vilanova de Arousa )
Castle of Monterreal , (Baiona )
Castle of Salvaterra , (Salvaterra de Miño )
Castle of Sobroso , (Mondariz )
Castle of Soutomaior , (Soutomaior )
Castle of Tebra , (Tomiño )
Castle of Ubeiras , (Vilaboa )
Castle do Penzo , (Vigo )
Fortress of Borraxeiros , (Agolada )
Fortress of Gondomar , (Gondomar )
Fortress of Rodeiro , (Rodeiro )
Fortress of San Lourenzo , (Tomiño )
Tower-Fortress of Castro de Montes , (Forcarei )
Towers of Miadelo , (Vilagarcía de Arousa )
Torres de Oeste , (Catoira )
Tower da Barreira , (A Estrada )
Tower of A Lanzada , (O Grove )
Tower of Camba , (Rodeiro )
Tower of Fafián , (Rodeiro )
Tower of Guimarei , (A Estrada )
Tower of San Sadurniño , (Vilagarcía de Arousa )
Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya
Castle of Manzanares el Real
Atalaya de Torrelodones
Lorca Castle
Castle of Xabier
Castle of Davalillo
Atalaya Castle , Villena
Castle of Biar
Castle of Petrer
Castle of Santa Bàrbara
Palace of Altamira
Castle of Morella
Castle of Castellnovo
Castle of Onda
Castle of Peñíscola
Castle of Peñíscola
Castle of Marinyén
Xativa Castle
Towers of Quart
Castle of Ayora
Towers of Serrano in 1870
Castle of Montesa
Number of fortifications by provinces
In the following table, are related the various Spanish provinces, ordered according to the number of existing fortifications, both castles themselves as towers, watchtowers, bunkers, walls and castros[ 4]
It attached the references to some of the relevant statements of Cultural Assets of the different Councils of Culture of the Autonomous Communities:
Andalusia: Councils of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía[ 5]
External links
Sovereign states States with limited recognition