The cartoon unfolds with the credits set against the backdrop of outer space, transitioning to Earth's Pacific Northwest. In this setting, a deserted Highway 17 serves as the stage for a flying saucer's descent, observed by Yosemite Sam of Outer Space from within. Bugs Bunny, amidst contemplation of relocating due to deteriorating surroundings, unknowingly becomes the target of Sam's extraterrestrial mission.
Sam dispatches Robot ZX29B to capture Bugs, but the robot's ineptitude leads to comedic misadventures. Despite successive failures, Sam's resolve remains unwavering, culminating in his personal pursuit of Bugs. Through a series of elaborate traps and confrontations, Bugs eludes Sam's advances, showcasing his ingenuity and resourcefulness.
Sam's escalating efforts, from deploying a Demolition Squad to piloting an indestructible tank, are met with unforeseen setbacks and humorous outcomes. Bugs outwits Sam at every turn, employing clever tactics and exploiting Sam's vulnerabilities to evade capture. Bugs then orchestrates a daring escape, culminating in a climactic showdown between the two adversaries. Through cunning and trickery, Bugs outmaneuvers Sam, ultimately leading to the demise of Sam's grand schemes.
In the aftermath, as Sam departs Earth with his mission seemingly accomplished, Bugs revels in his victory, enjoying the spectacle from afar. The cartoon concludes with a comedic twist, as Bugs tunes into a radio broadcast.
^Beck, Jerry; Friedwald, Will (1989). Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies: A Complete Illustrated Guide to the Warner Bros. Cartoons. Henry Holt and Co. p. 329. ISBN0-8050-0894-2.