Kurta is situated nine kilometers north-east of Tskhinvali, the secessionist-controlled capital of South Ossetia, on the right bank of the Greater Liakhvi River, and is strategically placed along the Trans-Caucasus Highway (TransCam) between Tskhinvali and Java. After the Parliament of Georgia passed a resolution on the establishment of the Temporary Territorial Unit on April 11, 2007, Kurta became the headquarters of the Provisional Administration of South Ossetia headed by the ethnic OssetianDmitry Sanakoyev. The Georgian government also allocated 1,850,000 lari to rehabilitation of the village's infrastructure.[1]
On the eve of the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia, all the Georgian inhabitants were evacuated to un-occupied Georgian territory and most of their abandoned homes were destroyed later. The homes were not rebuilt and the population did not return, leaving the largely destroyed village a ghost town.
^(in Georgian) სოფ. ქურთა. სამების წმ. გიორგის ეკლესია //შიდა ქართლი[I]: პატარა და დიდი ლიახვის ხეობების არქიტექტურული მემკვიდრეობა.-თბ.,2002.-გვ.199-200.