Speakers refer to their language as ɲáː wàm. Kugama is an exonym that is often used by the speakers themselves when speaking in other languages, while Wã̀m is the name they use to refer to themselves.[6]
Litvinova, Lora. 2014. Притяжательные местоимения в языке кугама [Possessive pronouns in Kugama]. In Alexandr Ju. Zheltov (ed.), Антропология и лингвистика. Материалы петербургских экспедиций в Африку [Anthropology and Linguistics. Materials of St. Petersburg expeditions to Africa], 167–173. St. Petersburg: MAE RAN.
Litvinova, Lora. 2015. Личные местоимения в языке кугама [Personal pronouns in Kugama]. Paper presented at 28th International Conference on historiography and source studies of Asia and Africa “Asia and Africa in the Changing World”. St. Petersburg.
Litvinova, Lora. 2016. Элементы морфосинтаксиса языка кугама [Topics in Kugama morphosyntax]. St. Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University MA thesis.