Korean speech levels

There are seven verb paradigms or speech levels in Korean, and each level has its own unique set of verb endings which are used to indicate the level of formality of a situation. Unlike honorifics – which are used to show respect towards someone mentioned in a sentence – speech levels are used to show respect towards a speaker's or writer's audience, or reflect the formality or informality of the situation. They represent a system of honorifics in the linguistic use of the term as a grammar system, distinct from honorific titles.

The names of the seven levels are derived from the non-honorific imperative form of the verb hada (하다; "to do") in each level, plus the suffix che (), which means "style". Each Korean speech level can be combined with honorific or non-honorific noun and verb forms. Taken together, there are 14 combinations.

Some of these speech levels are disappearing from the majority of Korean speech. Hasoseo-che is now used mainly in movies or dramas set in the Joseon era and in religious speech.[1] Hage-che is nowadays limited to some modern male speech, whilst Hao-che is now found more commonly in the Jeolla dialect and Pyongan dialect than in the Seoul dialect.

Higher levels


Name Hasoseo-che
Formality very high
Politeness high
Currency uncommon

Very formally polite
Traditionally used when addressing a king, queen, or high official.

When the infix op / saop , jaop (옵; after a vowel / 사옵 , 자옵; after a consonant) or sap / jap (삽 / 잡) or sao / jao (사오 / 자오) is inserted, the politeness level also becomes very high. hanaida (하나이다) becomes haomnaida (하옵나이다; non-honorific present declarative very formally very polite), hasinaida (하시나이다) becomes hasiomnaida (하시옵나이다; honorific present declarative very formally very polite). The imperative form hasoseo (하소서) also becomes haopsoseo (하옵소서; non-honorific imperative very formally very polite) and hasiopsoseo (하시옵소서; honorific imperative very formally very polite). It is used now:

  • in historical dramas
  • in religious texts such as the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, etc.
  • to address royalty
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person
a title, e.g.
imgeum (임금)


Name Hasipsio-che
Formality high
Politeness high
Currency common

Formally polite
This conversational style is generally called either the "formal" or the "formal polite". Another name for this is hapsyo-che or 합쇼체. This is a common style of speaking. A conversation with a stranger will generally start out in this style and gradually fade into more and more frequent haeyo-che. It is used

  • between strangers at the start of a conversation
  • among colleagues in more formal settings; example work meetings
  • by TV announcers
  • to customers
  • in certain fixed expressions like 만나서 반갑습니다 mannaseo bangapseumnida "Pleased to meet you"
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person
a title, e.g. seonsaengnim

Middle levels

The middle levels are used when there is some conflict or uncertainty about the social status of one or both participants in a conversation. The hage-che and hao-che are being replaced by or merging with haeyo-che.


Name Haeyo-che
Formality low
Politeness high
Currency common

Casually polite
This speech style is called the "polite" style in English. Like the 해체 Hae-che, it exhibits no inflection for most expected forms. Unlike other speech styles, basic conjugations for the declarative, interrogative and imperative forms are identical, depending on intonation and context or other additional suffixes. Most Korean phrasebooks for foreigners follow this speech style due to its simplicity and proper politeness. Second person pronouns are generally omitted in the polite speech styles. (See Korean pronouns.) It is used:

  • In Korean phrasebooks for foreigners.
  • Between strangers, especially those older or of equal age.
  • Between colleagues
  • By younger speakers as a less old-fashioned alternative to the hao-che.
  • By men and women in Seoul as a less formal alternative to the hasipsio-che.
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person
(하세요) (common),
(하셔요) (rare)


Name Hao-che
Formality high
Politeness neutral
Currency less common

Formally neither polite nor impolite
This conversational style is called the "semi-formal", "middle", "formal lateral", or "authoritarian" style in English. In Seoul, the 쇼 -syo ending is frequently pronounced 수 su. It is similar to the 하십시오체 Hasipsio-che, but does not lower oneself to show humility. It basically implies "My status is as high as you so I won't be humble, but I still respect your status and don't want to make you feel offended" so it's still supposed to be polite yet never willing to lower one's head to please the listener. (e.g. In the medieval times, if two kings from different countries have a meeting, they both would use this speech style. A king can use this speech style to his courtiers to show a minimum level of courtesy, and the courtiers will think the king is using a refined language.) It was originally a refined, poetic style that people resorted to in ambiguous social situations. Until the end of the nineteenth century, it was used widely in the ways the polite style is used now; but with the emergence of the polite style, the range of the semiformal style narrowed, and it became a style used only with inferiors.[2] Further, due to its over-use by authority figures during Korea's period of dictatorship, it became associated with power and bureaucracy and gained a negative connotation. Consequently, this style has almost completely fallen out of use in modern South Korea, and the generation of Koreans who came of age after democratization also conspicuously avoid using it. In North Korean standard Korean (munhwaŏ) it is still used when talking to equals who may be addressed by 동무 dongmu ("comrade"). It is used:[3]

  • Occasionally among the older generation, by civil servants, police officers, middle management, middle-aged people, and other people of intermediate social rank who have temporary authority over what would normally be considered their superiors
  • Used in written language such as signs and public notices, in which case the imperative form is used.
  • In historical dramas, where it gives the dialogue a more old-fashioned sound.
  • In the North Korean standard language
  • In the spoken form of certain dialects, such as the Hamgyŏng dialect.
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person


Name Hage-che
Formality neutral
Politeness neutral
Currency less common

Neither formal nor casual, neither polite nor impolite
This conversational style is called the "familiar." It is intermediate in politeness between haeyo-che and hae-che. It is not used to address children, and is never used to address blood relatives. It is used only:[4]

  • By some older people when addressing younger people or especially in-laws in a friendly manner.
  • Used for those under one's authority: by professors toward their students, by bosses toward their employees etc.
  • Between adult male friends, occasionally.
  • In novels
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person

Lower levels

The hae-che and haera-che styles are frequently mixed together in the same conversation, so much so that it can be hard to tell what verb endings belong to which style. Endings that may be used in either style are:

  • Question: -니?/-냐?/-느냐?
  • Proposition: -자. (this is roughly equivalent to "let's" in English)
  • Casual statement: -지. (this is roughly equivalent to "I suppose")
  • Casual question: -지?. (this is roughly equivalent to "I wonder if" in English)
  • Exclamation: -구나! -다!


Name Haera-che
Formality high
Politeness low
Currency common

Formally impolite
This conversational style is generally called the "plain" style. In writing and quoting, the plain style is the equivalent of the third person. Any other written style would feel like a first-person account (that is, anything else would seem to be told in the main character's own voice). It is used:

  • To close friends or relatives of similar age, and by adults to children.
  • In impersonal writing (books, newspapers, and magazines) and indirect quotations ("She said that...").
  • In grammar books, to give examples.
  • In some exclamations.
Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person


Name Hae-che
Formality low
Politeness low
Currency common

Casually impolite
This conversational style is called the "intimate" in English. Like the 해요체 Haeyo-che, it exhibits no inflection for most expected forms. Basic conjugations for the declarative, interrogative and imperative forms are identical, depending on intonation and context or other additional suffixes. It is used:

  • Between close friends and relatives.
  • When talking to children.
Non-Honorific Present Honorific Present 1st Person 2nd Person
hae ()
(in speech),
hayeo (하여)
(in writing)
hasyeo (하셔)


Formal Speech


Raises the addressee very highly.

Declarative mood


Indicative -나이다


Humble -사옵나이다, -(으)옵나이다, -삽나이다,

- saomnaida, -(eu)omnaida, -samnaida

To indicate a reminder by conveying a fact that has been seen, heard, or experienced. -더니이다 , -더이다

-deoniida , -deoida

-사오리이다, -사오리다, -(으)오리이다

-saoriida, -saorida, -(eu)oriida

Interrogative mood


Indicative -나이까


Humble -사옵나이까, -(으)옵나이까

-saomnaikka, -(eu)omnaikka

To indicate a question about the other party's intentions for an action or state -사오리이까, 사오리까

-saoriikka, saorikka

-(으)오리이까, -(으)오리까

-(eu)oriikka, -(eu)orikka

To ask the other party about the action he intends to do -(으)리이까, -리까

-(eu)riikka, -rikka

To ask to reflect on past -더니이까, -더이까

-deoniikka, -deoikka

Imperative mood


-(으)옵소서, -(으)소서

-(eu)opsoseo, -(eu)soseo

Propositive mood





Raises the addressee highly.

Declarative mood


Indicative -(스)ㅂ니다


Humble -(으/느)ㄴ뎁쇼


-(으)옵니다 , -사옵니다-(eu)omnida , -saomnida
To describe a fact -(이)올시다


To express certainty in belief/assertion -(스)ㅂ지요


Interrogative mood


Indicative -(스)ㅂ니까-(seu)mnikka
Humble -사옵니까, -(으)옵니까-saomnikka, -(eu)omnikka-사오니까, -(으)오니까-saonikka, -(eu)onikka
To ask the other party about the action he intends to do. -(으)리까


To express certainty in belief/assertion -(스)ㅂ지요


Imperative mood


Propositive mood


-(으)십시다, -(으)시지요, -(으)시라-(eu)sipsida, -(eu)sijiyo, -(eu)sira
Request -(으)ㅂ시사-(eu)psisa


Raises the addressee moderately.

Declarative mood


Indicative -(으)오, -오/소

-(eu)o, -o/so

To show speaker already knows -(ㄴ/는)다오, -(이)라오

-(n/neun)dao, -(i)rao

To express intention or conjecture -(으)리다


To express experienced event/action -(스)ㅂ디다


Imperative mood


-(으)오, -(으)우-(eu)o, -(eu)u
Exclamatory mood


-(는)구려, -(이)로구려-(neun)guryeo, -(i)roguryeo


Lowers the addressee moderately.

Mood Ending
Declarative mood


Indicative -네-ne
To indicate intention or conjecture -(으)ㄹ레


To show speaker already knows -(ㄴ/는)다네


To explain one's thoughts -(으)ㄹ세

, -(eu)lse

Connective ending -(으/느)니


Imperative mood


Interrogative mood


Indicative -나, -(으/느)ㄴ가-na, -(eu/neu)ga
To show the speaker guesses a certain situation -(으)ㄹ런가


To strongly deny the preceding content by a question, meaning similar "How could that be ? " -(으)ㄹ쏜가


Propositive mood


-(으)세, -(으)세나-(eu)se, -(eu)sena
Exclamatory mood


-(으)ㄹ세, -(이)로세-(eu)lse, -(i)rose
Supposition -(으)ㄹ세-(eu)lse


Lowers the addressee.

Declarative mood


Indicative -(ㄴ/는)다


To show speaker already knows -(ㄴ/는)단다, -(이)란다

-(n/neun)danda, -(i)randa

Connective ending -(이/었/겠)거니


To present a fact the speaker realized anew from a person -더라


To show the speaker guesses a certain situation -(으)리라


To express intention -(으)리로다


To express certainty in belief/assertion -(으)렷다


Imperative mood


-어라, -(으)라, -도록
Interrogative mood


Indicative -냐, -니
To judge that something is not likely to happen and ask something in response. -(으)랴
To ask the listener in a friendly manner if he/she intends to accept a certain act which will be done for him/her. -(으)련
To ask about the listener's personal experience of the past in a friendly manner. -던
To ask what the listener experienced in the past. -디
To complain about a certain fact -(ㄴ/는)담, -남, -(이)람
To guess about something -(으/느)ㄴ고
To confirm and ask questions about a previous suggestion or piece of advice. -자면서
Propositive mood


To advise the listener in a friendly manner to do a certain act together. -자꾸나
To permit gently or order mildly. -(으)렴, -(으)려무나


Exclamatory mood


To imply a certain feeling in a newly learned fact. -(는)구나, -(이)로구나,
To indicate that the speaker notices or is impressed by a newly learned fact -(는)군
To ask a question about a certain fact that is assumed to be already given. -(ㄴ/는)다니
To express admiration -(으)ㄹ데라니,
To worry about something possibly happening. -(으)ㄹ라, -(으)ㄹ세라
To emphasise a fact or statement -(이)라니까
Subjunctive mood



Informal Speech


Raises the addressee moderately.

Declarative mood


also used in

Interogative mood


Exclamatory mood


Propositive mood


-어요, -이에요/예요, -(이)여요, -(이)요[
Imperative mood


-어요, -(으)세요, -(으)시어요


Lowers the addressee or does not raise the addressee.

Declarative mood


Indicative -어, -(이)야
To confirm something -지,
To ask the listener again, or confirm what the speaker heard earlier. -(ㄴ/는)다지
To show speaker already knows -(이)라지,
To refer to the reason, cause, or basis for the preceding statement that the speaker thought of. -거든, -거들랑
To express experienced event/action -데
To answer, omitting the question that should follow and finishing the sentence. -고
To indicate that no other way exists except for that. -(으)ㄹ밖에
Imperative mood


-어, -지
Interrogative mood


Indicative -어, -(이)야, -(으)ㄹ까,
To ask the listener in a friendly manner.To ask something that the speaker already knows to cross-check the information. -지
To indicate a vague doubt. -(으/느)ㄴ지
To ask if something uncertain will happen actually or to express -(으)ㄹ는지
To ask the listener to try to guess and answer. -게
To indicate the speaker's intention to do something in the future, or to ask for the listener's thoughts about that. -(으)ㄹ래,
To admire something while anticipating the listener's response. -(으/느)ㄴ데
To ask casually about the expectation or assumption of an event. -(으)려나
When the speaker asks himself/herself about his/her thoughts or asks for another person's opinion. -(으)ㄹ거나
To confirm and asks questions about a fact that one heard. -(ㄴ/는)다면서, -(이)라면서
Exclamatory mood


Toi indicate that the speaker notices or is impressed by a newly learned fact -(는)구먼
To talk about a certain result happening as one expected, while giving reasons for it. -더라니,
To express admiration -(으)ㄹ데라니, -(으)ㄹ사
To express self talk that impress -(이)로고,
Propositive mood


To emphasise the suggestion to do a certain act together by repeating it. -자니까


Objective negation




To ask again or admiring an unexpected fact in surprise. -(ㄴ/는)다니, -(이)라니
To say a newly learned fact with admiration. -(으/느)ㄴ걸,
To indicate a guess or assumption. -(으)ㄹ걸,
To emphasise one's remark, while reconfirming what was said earlier. -(ㄴ/는)다니까, -(이)라니까
To strongly denying the fact of the preceding statement, or raising a question about it. -(ㄴ/는)대, -나

See also


  1. ^ "[Ms포토]조윤서 '사랑을 받아주시옵소서~'". MHN스포츠 (in Korean). 2022-10-18. Retrieved 2022-10-23.
  2. ^ Lee, Iksop; Ramsey, S. Robert (2000). The Korean Language. State University of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-4831-2.
  3. ^ 안진명; 선은희 (2013). Korean grammar in use: Advanced (in Korean). Darakwon. p. 334. ISBN 978-89-277-3116-0.
  4. ^ 안진명; 선은희 (2013). Korean grammar in use: Advanced (in Korean). Darakwon. p. 338. ISBN 978-89-277-3116-0.

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