He was the youngest among three children; his grandfather was a preacher at the Vidzeme's church. Carl lost his father and mother early in his life. The family moved to Riga, where they lived in very cramped conditions.
He was self-taught, and in 1883, as external candidate, he graduated from gymnasium in Jelgava.
He studied theology in Dorpat during 1884-1887. In 1888, he was ordained as a Lutheran pastor and went to Brazil, where in 1889-1891, he unsuccessfully tried to establish a Latvian colony. In 1891-1892, he studied geography at the University of Jena in Germany and defended his doctoral thesis.[3] In 1893-1895, he served as a Lutheran pastor in the Urals, and wrote studies on demography and statistics. In 1895, he moved back to Germany again, and studied economics at the Universities of Munich and Strasbourg.
He became known as the demographer after the publication of his book "Mortality, age composition and longevity of the Russian Orthodox population of both sexes" in 1851-1890.
Balodis was also known as Ballod-Atlanticus after he adopted the name Atlanticus from Francis Bacon's book Nova Atlantis (1627). Under this name, he published the utopian book Ein Blick in Der Zukunftsstaat: Produktion und Konsum im Sozialstaat (A Look at the Future State: Production and Consumption in the Socialist State). The first edition, which ran to 3,000 copies, was published in 1898 with a preface by Karl Kautsky.[5] A second edition which ran to 12,000 copies was issued in 1919, with a third edition of 5,000 appearing in 1920 and a final edition appearing in 1927 with the slightly different title of 1927 as Der Zukunftsstaat: Wirtschaftstechnisches Ideal und Volkswirtschaftliche Wirklichkeit (The Future State: Economic Ideal and Economic Reality).[5] Several Russian editions were produced between 1903-06, one of which was authorised by Balodis. The second edition was also published in Russia but without the author's permission.[5]
Published works
Balodis primarily wrote these works in German:
Der Staat Santa Catharina in Südbrasilien. Stuttgart, 1892
Die mittlere Lebensdauer in Stadt und Land. Leipzig, 1899
Ein Blick in Der Zukunftsstaat. Produktion und Konsum im Sozialstaat. Stuttgart, 1898 (Verlag J.H.W.Dietz Nachf., Berlin 1919)
Die Sterblichkeit der Grosstädte, 1903
Sterblichkeit und Lebensdauer in Preussen. Berlin, 1907
Grundriss der Statistik enthaltend Bevölkerungs-, Wirtschafts-, Finanz- und Handels-Statistik. Berlin, 1913
Die Bevölkerungsbewegung der letzten Jahrzehnte in Preussen und in einigen anderen wichtigen Staaten Europas. Berlin, 1914
Palästina als jüdisches Ansiedlungsgebiet. Deutsches Komitee zur Förderung der jüdischen Palästinasiedlung 1918
Sowjet-Rußland. Verlagsgenossenschaft Freiheit, Berlin 1920
Der Bankrott der freien Wirtschaft und die notwendigen Finanz- und Wirtschaftsreformen. Jena, 1923