Based on true events and life of UP super-cop Avinash Mishra, the series revolves around the life of Mishra who was powered to stop the crimes in the state. The Home Minister of the state orders to form STF following a threat of contract killing of the Chief-Minister of the state by the dreaded gangster Prakash Shukla. Avinash Mishra heads the STF team and starts war against the gangsters.[3]
Abhishek Srivastava of The Times of India wrote "The initial episodes have only skimmed through these narratives, and it is hoped that the series will provide a well-defined rounded plot and proper background context to all the encounter stories."[8] Abhishek Srivastava of Navbharat Times rated series 3.5 stars out of 5.[9] Puneet Upadhyay of TV9 also rated series 3.5 stars out of 5.[10]
Vinamra Mathur of Firstpost wrote "It’s all a swing between cliches and charisma. Hooda has always been a reliable and solid actor often trapped in underwhelming stories. Here too, we have a father-son conflict, expletives for effect, and a doting, sanskari wife."[11] Vijayalakshmi Narayanan of The Free Press Journal rated the series 2.5 stars out of 5 and wrote "For those who are familiar with life and times in UP, the series is certainly designed for them. But, for much of the OTT-content consuming audience, that reside in the metros, there will be a sense of disconnect."[12]The Tribune wrote "It would have been better if at least half the episodes of the series had been streamed to strike a chord. The big villains have not been revealed yet and small goons and players are making it an easy task for Avinash and his team."[13]