The first installment, Indian, was released worldwide on 9 May 1996 to positive reviews - subsequently becoming one of the highest grossing Tamil films. The sequel Indian 2 was released on 12 July 2024, and was completely panned by critics. A direct sequel to Indian 2, Indian 3 is scheduled to release on 24 January 2025.
Senapathy, a honest veteran Indian freedom fighter and the member of INA led by Subhas Chandra Bose, having served in the Indian Army, decides to teach corrupt officials a lesson. He targets officials, ministers, and bureaucrats to make them work diligently without accepting bribes. Senapathy's revolution brings him into conflict with his son, Chandrabose Senapathy, a bureaucrat who lives by corruption.
Senapathy, who disappeared from India for over two decades, returns from Taipei to aid a young man Chitra Aravindan who has been exposing corrupt politicians in the country through videos on the internet.
Senapathy introduces his parents, Veerasekaran Balram and Dhakshayini, to his followers, who likes him, who were freedom fighters during the British Raj in the 1890s.