The Stooges, acting as emissaries under the auspices of Detective Hyden Zeke, embark upon a mission to the Western frontier with the objective of assisting Nell Higginbottom in reclaiming an IOU wrongfully obtained from her father. The document, coveted by Double Deal Decker, a notorious individual of ruthless disposition, represents a key instrument in his bid to unlawfully appropriate Nell's rightful inheritance, a prized ranch.
Undaunted by the looming hazards, the Stooges encounter a series of challenges, notably successfully appropriating Decker's wallet through a strategic maneuver. This act incites the antagonist's wrath, precipitating a perilous situation wherein he and his accomplices endeavor to administer summary justice by hanging the trio.
The Stooges press forward, penetrating into Decker's clandestine stronghold. Here, they exhibit resolve as they successfully access the secure confines of a safe, wherein lies the coveted IOU. Amidst the ensuing confrontation with Decker and his confederates, the Stooges demonstrate their mettle, with Curly's idiosyncratic fear of mice paradoxically aiding their cause.
Production notes
Horses' Collars was filmed on November 23–27, 1934.[2] The opening theme song is titled "At the Races," composed by Louis Silvers.[3]
Curly has a violent reaction to the sight of a live mouse at any time, going into a fit while demanding, "Moe! Larry! The Cheese!".[1] The only cure is for someone to feed him cheese,[1] with Curly telling them which kind. The reason for this is explained by Moe & Larry, stating that Curly's father was a rat. The kind of cheeses that Curly calls for are roquefort, camembert, and limburger.
Horses' Collars was the first of 17 Western-themed films the Stooges would make.[2] It is also the first short where the Stooges sing "You'll Never Know What Tears Are" in barbershop music style. This song would make an appearance in future shorts Half-Shot Shooters and A Ducking They Did Go.
The casting of Kohler, who played the villain in countless actual westerns, gave the film some added authenticity.
^Solomon, Jon (2002). The Complete Three Stooges: The Official Filmography and Three Stooges Companion. Glendale, California: Comedy III Productions, Inc. p. 99. ISBN0971186804.