Honor cords
Token consisting of twisted cords with tassels
From left to right: Eta Kappa Nu stole , pins, and honor cords for inductions, graduations, and membership.
An honor cord is a token consisting of twisted cords with tassels on either end awarded to members of honor societies or for various academic and non-academic achievements, awards, or honors.[ 1] Usually, cords come in pairs with a knot in the middle to hold them together. Sometimes sashes, stoles , or medallions are given in place of cords. They are most often worn at academic ceremonies and functions. With cap and gown, and (sometimes) the hood, high school or university degree candidates have worn these cords at the discretion of the educational institution, but they are not usually worn with academic regalia after the academic year in which the honor was awarded. Unlike hoods and stoles, by tradition more than one cord may be worn at the same time.
At some universities, pairs of honor cords, in the school colors, indicate honors graduates: one pair for cum laude , two pairs for magna cum laude , and three pairs for summa cum laude . These are in addition to any cords for membership in an honor society.
Collegiate honor society honor cords
Following is a list of honor society and the colors of their related honor cords, stoles, and medallions.[ 2] [ 3]
Honor society
Honor cord colors
Stole colors
Medallion colors
Alpha Alpha Alpha
Blue and Grey/Silver
Alpha Beta Gamma
Sapphire Blue (Adviser, Gold)
Alpha Chi
Emerald Green and Sapphire Blue
Alpha Epsilon
Honor Gold or Blue and Green
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Red and Violet
Alpha Epsilon Lambda
Scarlet and Grey
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Double Gold Cord
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Kappa Mu
Royal Blue and White
Alpha Lambda Delta
Red, Gold, and White
Alpha Mu Alpha
Alpha Mu Gamma
Alpha Nu Sigma
Alpha Phi Omega
Royal Blue and Old Glory Gold
Alpha Phi Sigma
Royal blue and Gold
Alpha Pi Mu
White and Gold
Alpha Psi Omega
Light Blue and Amber
Alpha Sigma Lambda
Maroon/Burgundy and Gold
Alpha Sigma Nu
Gold on Maroon Ribbon
American Mock Trial Association
Maroon, Purple and Royal Blue
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Beta Beta
Forest Green and Blood Red
Beta Gamma Sigma
Blue and Gold
Beta Kappa Chi
Royal Blue
Beta Phi Mu
Purple and White
Chi Alpha Sigma
Gold and Black
Chi Epsilon
Purple and White
Chi Sigma Iota
Blue and White
Delta Epsilon Iota
Royal Blue and Old Gold
Delta Epsilon Sigma
Gold and Maroon
Delta Mu Delta
Purple and Gold
Delta Phi Alpha
Black, Red and Gold
Delta Omicron
Pink and Grey
Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha
Delta Tau Alpha
Hunter Green and Harvest Gold
Dobro Slovo
Black and Gold
Epsilon Pi Tau
Blue, White and Gold
Eta Kappa Nu
Gold Cord with Navy Blue, and Scarlet Red Tassels
Eta Sigma Phi
Gold and Purple
Gamma Sigma Alpha
Cardinal Red and God
Gamma Sigma Epsilon
Blue and White
Gamma Theta Upsilon
Brown, Light Blue, and Gold
Golden Key International Honour Society
Royal Blue and Gold
Iota Iota Iota
Lavender (purple)
Iota Tau Alpha
Red, Yellow, and Royal Blue
Kappa Alpha Omicron
Forest Green
Kappa Beta Delta
Blue and Gold
Kappa Delta Pi
Purple and Jade Green
Kappa Kappa Psi
Blue and White
Kappa Mu Epsilon
Pink and Gray
Kappa Omicron Nu
Burgundy and Cream
Gold/Burgundy with Burgundy Ribbon
Kappa Tau Alpha
Light Blue and Gold
Lambda Alpha
White, Black, Green, and Red
Lambda Epsilon Chi
Lambda Iota Tau
Purple and Gold
Lambda Pi Eta
Red, White, and Gold
Lambda Sigma
Blue and Gold
Mortar Board
Silver and Gold
Mu Kappa Tau
Blue and Gold
National Residence Hall Honorary
Blue and White
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Burgundy and Gold
Nu Lambda Mu
Gold and Green
Nu Rho Psi
Black and Gold
Omega Chi Epsilon
Maroon and White
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Royal Blue and Gold
Omicron Delta Kappa
Light Blue, White, and Black
Omega Nu Lambda
Navy and Gray
Omega Rho
Blue and Red
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Blue and Gold
Omicron Delta Kappa
Sky Blue, White, and Black
Order of Omega
Gold and Ivory
Phi Alpha
Royal Blue and Gold
Phi Alpha Theta
Madonna Red and Madonna Blue (sky blue)
Phi Beta Delta
Red and Gold
Phi Beta Kappa
Pink and Sky Blue
Phi Delta Phi
Red, Blue, and Gold
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Black and Gold
Phi Eta Sigma
Gold and Black
Phi Kappa Phi
Navy and Gold
Gold with Royal Blue Ribbon
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Blue, Pink
Phi Sigma
Yellow, Green, and White
Phi Sigma Iota
Phi Sigma Tau
White and Purple
Phi Sigma Theta
Gold, Green and Purple
Phi Theta Kappa
Blue and Gold
Phi Upsilon Omicron
Yellow, White, and Purple
Pi Alpha Alpha
Light Blue and Gold
Pi Alpha Xi
Cerulean Blue and Nile Green
Pi Delta Phi
Blue, White, and Red
Pi Gamma Mu
Royal Blue and White
Pi Kappa Lambda
Gold and White
Pi Mu Epsilon
Gold and Purple
Pi Omega Pi
Silver, Royal Blue, and Gold
Pi Sigma Alpha
Red, White, and Black
Pi Tau Sigma
Red and Blue
Pi Theta Epsilon
Navy and Gold
Psi Beta
Royal Blue and Gold
Psi Chi
Platinum and Dark Blue
Rho Chi
Royal Purple and White
Rho Lambda
Maroon and Gold
Red/Cardinal, White, and Royal Blue
Sigma Alpha Lambda
Navy, Black, and Gold
Sigma Alpha Pi
Platinum and Black
Sigma Beta Delta
Hunter Green and Gold
Sigma Delta Pi
Red and Gold
Sigma Lambda Alpha
Gold and Green
Sigma Lambda Chi
Green and Gold
Silver Logo
Sigma Pi Sigma
Forest Green and Ivory
Sigma Tau Delta
Cardinal Red and Black
Sigma Theta Tau
Orchid and White
Sigma Xi
Silver and Blue
Tau Alpha Pi
Green and Gold
Tau Beta Pi
Orange and White
White with Orange Bent
Tau Beta Sigma
White and Blue
Tau Sigma
Red and Gold
Theta Alpha Kappa
Thompson Scholars
Black and Royal Blue
Upsilon Phi Delta
Red and Blue
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Maroon and White
High school honor society honor cords
Honor society
National Honor Society
National Technical Honor Society
Purple and White
Computer Science Honor Society
Light Blue
National English Honor Society
Blue and Gold
National Art Honor Society
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple
Société Honoraire de Français
Red, White, and Blue
German National Honor Society
Black, Red and Gold
Japanese National Honor Society
Red and White
National Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society
Purple and Gold
Mu Alpha Theta
Light Blue and Gold
Tri-M Music Honor Society
National Business Honor Society
Hunter Green and Silver
Science National Honor Society
Green and Purple
Rho Kappa
Blue and White
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Gold and Red
National Speech and Debate Association
Red and Grey
Technology Student Association
Red, Silver, and Blue
International Thespian Society
Blue and Gold, Brown
National Eagle Scout Association
Red, White, and Blue
Mensa Honor Society
Blue, White, and Black
See also
Terminology Headwear Hoods Gowns Miscellaneous
People By country
See also