In June 2019, Miyasako, alongside other Yoshimoto Kogyo affiliated comedians, were suspended from activities due to attending parties held by the yakuza and receiving ¥1 million.[3][4] On July 19, 2019, Miyasako was fired from Yoshimoto Kogyo and held a press conference the following day, accepting the scandal and condemning his part in the yakuza while citing Yoshimoto's own involvement in the scandal.[5]
On July 21, 2019, Yoshimoto issued a press conference to reinstate Miyasako's contract.[6] His ban was lifted on August 19, 2019 but he remains inactive as of January 2020.[7] On January 28, 2020, Miyasako created a YouTube channel and upload videos regularly.[8] Miyasako's YouTube channel hit 1 million subscribers on July 6.[9]