Helmut Roewer

Helmut Roewer (born c. 1950) is a German lawyer and author. He served between 1994 and 2000 as president of the regional office for protection of the constitution in Thuringia ("Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz"). This is a state-level security agency. Controversy in respect of his time in office has persisted, although he himself robustly rejects most of the criticisms of his decisions made at that time.[1][2]


Early years

Helmut Roewer was born in Verona.[3] He trained for service as an officer in a West German tank regiment, rising to the rank of Oberleutnant.[4] He then went on to study jurisprudence, History and applied economics ("Volkswirtschaft"). He completed his studies to the point of passing his level two national law exams. He went on to receive his doctorate in 1982 from the University of Konstanz. His dissertation was entitled "Rechte und Pflichten junger Menschen zwischen Elternrecht und staatlicher Einflussnahme – Die Entwicklung von der Reichsgründung 1871 bis 1980" (loosely "Rights and obligations of young people between parental rights and government inputs ... 1981-1980").[5] Initially he then worked in public practice as a lawyer. Later he took a job in the West German Interior Ministry, working in areas involving Constitutional Protection (security) and reaching the level of a "Ministerialrat" (loosely: "permanent secretary").[6]

Presidency of the "Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz"

In 1994 the Thuringian Interior Minister, Franz Schuster offered Roewer a position as president of the regional office for protection of the constitution ("Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz"). Roewer accepted. The written certificate of employment was apparently placed in Roewer's pocket in an Erfurt hostelry. Details of the exchange can no longer be reconstructed: Roewer later indicated that he was drunk at the time and retained only a dim recollection of what happened.[7][8][9] There were suggestions that the manner in which Roewer carried out his responsibilities could be seen as eccentric.[10] On one occasion he turned up to an event celebrating Weimar as a European Capital of Culture dressed in a General Ludendorff costume, complete with a spiked helmet: another time he appeared at a ceremony in a carriage dressed up as Walther Rathenau.[11] On Roewer's watch a number of people believed to be linked to right-wing radicalism in the area were recruited as informants. An example was Tino Brandt, at that time a commander in the Thurinigian Homeland Protection League and a member of the regional executive of the National Democratic Party (" Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands" / NPD). Between 1994 and 2001 Brandt received more than 200,000 Marks for his services, money which by his own account went to the Homeland Protection League. Brandt himself was at one stage delisted, on account of his extremist involvement, by Roewer.[10][12] In 1998 three members of the Neo-Nazi scene in the area disappeared "underground". That became more significant during the next ten or so years, as the three were identified as "Nazi underground" suspects in connection with a long list of murders of Turkish and Greek immigrants, the murder of a police officer in Heilbronn, terrorist explosions and a number of bank robberies.

Commenting on 15 November 2011. Roewer stated that back at the time "because of numerous operation in process, and of the [quantity of] papers involved, it is possible that individual clues [which should have been] recognised were not".[13] In a letter to Interior Minister Jörg Geibert, Roewer wrote that there had been a "very strong suspicion" (eine "sehr ernste Vermutung") of irregularities in the local police department as a result of which "information from there to the [suspects] in question could have passed" ("dass Informationen von dort an die Betroffenen abfließen könnten").[14] He thought connections between the terror cell involved and police in Jena could have already prevented an arrest as early as 1998.[14][15] In February 2013 Roewer took his argument a little further, stating that his office had opened an investigation against the police. When pressed for more details he said that the files from his time in office had probably been destroyed, however.[16]

Under Roewer's leadership the "Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz" (security service) was far more worried about the dangers of left-wing extremism than those of right-wing extremism. An educational film produced for schools in 2000 characterised left-wing autonomists as ready to commit violence, while marches in the streets of right wingers were identified as reassuringly comradely affairs. A statement was included from the Thurinigian Homeland Protection League leader, Tino Brandt, "We are essentially against violence" ("Wir sind […] prinzipiell gegen Gewalt"), completely without further elaboration or challenge.[13] That film was commissioned by the short-lived Heron Verlagsgesellschaft ("Heron Publishing Company") – described in one source as a "Tarnverlag" ("camouflage publisher") – which had been set up by Roewer himself, albeit using "Stephan Seeberg" as a cover name![17] The contract for the film's production went to the ambitious young media-savvy CDU activist, Reyk Seela.[11][18] Roewer justified his unconventional approach to commissioning and producing the educational film by explaining that it had facilitated the incorporation of film-clips and images provided from the "radical right-wing scene".[19]

Another contentious aspect of Roewer's time in charge at the "Verfassungsschutz" office concerned the massive gathering of material on the opposition politician Bodo Ramelow.[20] It never became clear why this had been done.[21] In October 2013 the (national) Federal Constitutional Court found the surveillance under which Ramelow had been placed had been unconstitutional.[22]

In 2000 the Interior Minister, Christian Köckert, asked the former judge and Secretary of state at the Hessian Justice Ministry, Karl Heinz Gasser, to conduct an enquiry into Roewer's conduct of his office. Gasser's report was devastating. Roewer's personnel appointments had been appalling, both in terms of leadership and of organisational structure, in the course of his reconfiguration of his office between 1994 and 1999. He had placed school leavers in leadership positions which had created conditions of permanent conflict between experienced intelligence administrators and their new bosses. An example was cited of an experienced official who had criticised a decision of his boss as nonsensical, and been personally sanctioned by Roewer who had ordered him to provide an hour by hour record of his working day. Professional supervision by the Interior Ministry was effectively blocked for almost a year while Roewer failed to report on his activities to the minister, instead reporting solely to the minister's predecessor, Richard Dewes. No minutes or other report of those discussions were provided to the responsible oversight board regarding the content of the information provided by Roewer at his meetings with Dewes.[23] There was also criticism of the current Interior Minister, Christian Köckert, for having failed to react to a letter from the personnel office warning of the chaotic situation in the "Verfassungsschutz" office under Roewer's direction.[23]

While that was going on there was also a commission of enquiry in place, which had been set up by the Landtag of Thuringia, into the activities in the area of the National Socialist Underground, and which came up with repeated criticism of the way Roewer's office was carrying out its security brief.[24] The point was made that where he found one of his section heads impossible to handle, he should have immediately dismissed such an individual.[7]

Retirement and criminal proceedings

In 2000, as a result of "more than sixty matters", Helmut Roewer was suspended from office by the minister-president, Bernhard Vogel.[17] A criminal investigation was launched in 2005 in respect of suspected malfeasances[25] during his time as president of the regional office for protection of the constitution ("Thüringer Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz").[26] However, the investigations were suspended in 2008 due to "long-standing unfitness" ("fortdauernder Verhandlungsunfähigkeit") provisions.[27] In 2010 a deal was concluded with the Erfurt district court as a result of which the criminal proceedings were permanently halted and Roewer, by this time described as an "author, living in Weimar and Italy" paid 3,000 Euros to an agreed charity.[17]

NSU affair

Despite the threat of criminal conviction having been lifted, Roewer was still called upon to testify to parliamentary commissions of enquiry into the handling of the National Socialist Underground affair ("NSU murders"). As a witness he was neither willing nor co-operative: at one stage, in an interview reported in 2013, Roewer compared his appearances before one enquiry commission to a Stalinist show trial.[3][28] He filed two criminal complaints against former colleagues on grounds of alleged false testimony.[9]

Summononed to testify before the first Bundestag (i.e. national parliamentary) committee of enquiry into the National Socialist Underground murders, Roewer was asked about an invoice that had been found for a payment to someone identified as "V-Mann Günther" ("trusted informant Günther") Instead of attempting to answer the committee member's question, Roewer replied "Was geht Sie das an?" (loosely "What business is that of yours?") There had in fact been several payments to "V-Mann Günther", and Roewer's dismissive reaction on being quizzed about the matter encouraged speculation that he could have had reasons of his own for apparently holding back from giving direct answers on the topic.[19] He told the committee that attempts had been made by the service during his time in charge of it to organise false passports for Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe in order to have them arrested as they left Germany. These three were the terrorist suspects whose allegedly murderous activities during the first decade of the twenty-first century had triggered the parliamentary enquiry.[29] Roewer's testimony that Thuringian "Verfassungsschutz" officers had engaged in drinking sessions with right-wing extremists in order to extract information from them failed to impress his questioners or media commentators.[28] Roewer nevertheless strongly rejected suggestions that he had become a protector for the NSU suspects.[16] Roewer had originally declined to appear before the committee of enquiry because he was ill. When the committee demanded a medical certificate, he turned up to the hearings, but armed with a certificate from a doctor indicating that he needed a fifteen-minute break every 30–45 minutes. In the end he testified without those regular breaks.[16] His relationship with the committee evidently remained starkly confrontational, however. The committee chairman, Sebastian Edathy went on record with the opinion that Roewer's memory lapses in response to questioning were "simply not believable" ("schlicht nicht glaubwürdig").[30]

Author, journalist and pundit

Roewer still sustains a significant public profile, with regular media appearances. He contributes to Jürgen Elsässer's monthly Compact magazine and as an author for Ares-Verlag.[6] He strongly rejects charges that this publishing firm is a platform for right-wing extremists, antisemites and historical revisionists. He points out that he has found his former tutor, Ingo von Münch, on its list of authors, asserting that a publishing house that is good enough for the respectable von Münch is good enough for him.[31] Roewer also contributes to Junge Freiheit[32] and is involved at a senior level with the Dresden-based Veldenstein Circle ("Veldensteiner Research Group on Extremism and Democracy" / "Veldensteiner Kreis zur Erforschung von Extremismus und Demokratie").


  1. ^ Julia Jüttner (10 July 2012). "Wein, Weib und Verfassungsschutz". Seine Aussagen lassen erahnen, wie anstrengend Helmut Roewer sein kann. Der Ex-Chef des Thüringer Verfassungsschutzes lobt sich vor dem Neonazi-Untersuchungsausschuss in den höchsten Tönen, gibt sich bockig, will von Fehlern nichts wissen. Ex-Mitarbeiter sprechen von "menschenverachtendem" Umgang. Der Spiegel (online). Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  2. ^ Armin Lehmann (24 November 2011). "Helmut Roewer – Der Ex mit List und Lücke". Pannen, Intrigen: Thüringens Verfassungsschutz ist eine dubiose Behörde gewesen. Jetzt prasseln Vorwürfe auf Helmut Roewer ein, ihren früheren Chef. Er soll mitschuldig sein an der Entstehung der Nazi-Terrorzelle. Das empört ihn – er findet keine Fehler. Verlag Der Tagesspiegel GmbH, Berlin. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  3. ^ a b Moritz Schwarz; Felix Krautkrämer (11 January 2013). ""Ich widerspreche entschieden!"". Er sei ein Exzentriker und habe sein Amt ins Chaos geführt – kaum etwas, was man Helmut Roewer, ehemals Chef des Verfassungsschutz Thüringen, nicht vorwirft. Vor allem: die Entstehung der „Zwickauer Terrorzelle“ nicht verhindert zu haben. Junge Freiheit Verlag GmbH & Co. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  4. ^ "Helmut Roewer (his website as an author)". Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  5. ^ Helmut Roewer (1982). Rechte und Pflichten junger Menschen zwischen Elternrecht und staalicher Einflußnahme : e. Entwicklung von der Reichsgründung 1871–1980. Konstanz. OCLC 630927214. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  6. ^ a b Paul Wrusch (14 November 2011). "Thüringer Kameraden". Verfassungsschutz und Naziszene ... Helmut Roewer, bis zum Jahr 2000 Präsident des Thüringer Verfassungsschutzes, hielt sich V-Leute aus der Naziszene. Heute schreibt er für einen rechten Verlag. taz Verlags u. Vertriebs GmbH, Berlin. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  7. ^ a b Dirk Reinhardt (10 July 2012). "Verfassungsschützer mit Gedächtnislücken". Ex-Behördenchef Roewer .... Unwillige Mitarbeiter, dürftiger Quellenschutz: Eine Befragung von Thüringens Ex-Verfassungsschutzchef Roewer legt internen Zwist offen. Er selbst sieht sich schuldlos. Zeit online GmbH, Hamburg. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  8. ^ Lisa Caspari (4 October 2012). "Selbstdarstellung eines Geheimdienstlers". Der Ex-Chef des Thüringer Verfassungsschutzes offenbart in einem Buch seine Abneigung gegenüber Ostdeutschland. Bei der Suche nach dem NSU habe er alles richtig gemacht. Zeit online GmbH, Hamburg. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  9. ^ a b Julia Jüttner (19 July 2012). "Roewer erstattet Anzeige gegen Ex-Mitarbeiter". Thüringer Verfassungsschutz: Er marschierte barfuß durchs Büro oder radelte über die Amtsflure: Helmut Roewer leitete von 1994 bis 2000 auf recht eigenwillige Art den Thüringer Verfassungsschutz. Nun hat er zwei ehemalige Mitarbeiter angezeigt – wegen Falschaussage vor dem Neonazi-Ausschuss. Der Spiegel (online). Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  10. ^ a b Harald Lachmann (16 November 2011). "Der Verfassungsschutz als Tollhaus". Helmut Roewers Doppelleben .... Der frühere Thüringer Verfassungsschutzpräsident Helmut Roewer führte ein mysteriöses Doppelleben. Heute schweigt er zu allem. Stuttgarter Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  11. ^ a b Steffen Winter (18 July 2005). "Deckname "Rubicon"". In Thüringen ist der ehemalige Leiter des Amtes für Verfassungsschutz wegen schweren Betrugs angeklagt. Der Fall zeigt, wie leicht ein Geheimdienst außer Kontrolle gerät. Der Spiegel (online). Retrieved 23 November 2017.
  12. ^ Stefan Aust, Dirk Laabs: Heimatschutz. Der Staat und die Mordserie des NSU. Pantheon Verlag München 2014, p. 434
  13. ^ a b Christian Bergmann, Heiner Hoffmann, Inga Klees & Marcus Weller: Welche Rolle spielt der Verfassungsschutz? In: Fakt. broadcast by the MDR, 15 November 2011
  14. ^ a b ".... Ex-Verfassungsschützer erhebt Vorwürfe gegen Polizei". Rechtsextreme Terrorzelle: Früherer Bundesrichter Schäfer soll Rolle der Behörden klären. Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. 15 November 2011. Archived from the original on 16 November 2011. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  15. ^ Hans Leyendecker (17 November 2011). "Sein Name steht für das Chaos". Ex-Verfassungsschutz-Chef Roewer und die Neonazi-Morde: Helmut Roewer gilt auch bei denen als krasse Fehlbesetzung, die bis zur Enttarnung der Zwickauer Zelle nie von ihm gehört hatten. Der parteilose Jurist war von 1994 bis 2000 Chef des Verfassungsschutzes in Thüringen. Unter seiner Leitung versäumte es der Dienst, die Neonazis zu schnappen. Heute sagt Roewer, er sei Opfer einer Kampagne. Es sei alles ganz anders gewesen. Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  16. ^ a b c "Ex-Verfassungsschützer Roewer macht Landespolizei schwere Vorwürfe". NSU-Ermittlungen: Der frühere Verfassungsschutzpräsident erschien im Bundestag mit einem ärztlichen Attest – um dann doch ausführlich zu den NSU-Ermittlungen auszusagen. Zeit online GmbH, Hamburg. 21 February 2013. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  17. ^ a b c Claus Peter Müller (15 November 2011). "Terrorheimstatt Thüringen". Erfurter Verfassungsschutz: Wer glaubt dem Erfurter Verfassungsschutz noch? In den neunziger Jahren trugen sich unglaubliche Dinge zu. Damals warb der Verfassungsschutz auch Neonazis als Quellen an. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  18. ^ Reyk Seela (2000). ""Jugendlicher Extremismus mitten in Deutschland – Szenen aus Thüringen"". Verfassungsschutz-Lehrvideo. Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Jena (online re-issue 30 November 2011). Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  19. ^ a b Tanjev Schultz (21 February 2013). ""Das ist Abschaum"". Helmut Roewer im NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss .... Hat er Informationen über das Neonazi-Trio zurückgehalten? Und wer ist der ominöse V-Mann "Günther"? Im NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss muss sich Helmut Roewer, Ex-Präsident des Thüringer Verfassungsschutzes, den Fragen der Abgeordneten stellen – und gibt anderen die Schuld. Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  20. ^ M. Neller; M. Bewarder (16 November 2011). "Ein Exzentriker verteidigt Spitzelpannen seiner Zeit". WeltN24 GmbH, Berlin. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  21. ^ Stefan Wogawa. Die Akte Ramelow: Ein Abgeordneter im Visier der Geheimdienste (PDF). Karl Dietz Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-320-02126-9. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  22. ^ "Verfassungsschutz darf Linken-Politiker Ramelow nicht überwachen". Urteil aus Karlsruhe .... Richterspruch mit Signalwirkung: Der Verfassungsschutz darf den Thüringer Linken-Abgeordneten Bodo Ramelow nicht beobachten. Das hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht nach einer Klage des Politikers entschieden – und damit das Urteil der Vorinstanz kassiert. Der Geheimdienst hat auch andere linke Spitzenpolitiker im Visier. Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH. 9 October 2013. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  23. ^ a b Hartmut Kaczmarek (6 June 2012). "Gasser-Bericht: Roewer ging bei Dewes ein und aus". Eine völlig neue Sichtweise auf die Verantwortung von Ex-SPD-Innenminister Richard Dewes für die chaotischen Zustände im Thüringer Verfassungsschutz offenbart der so genannte Gasser-Bericht, der jetzt in Teilen an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt ist. In einem ersten Teil seines Berichtes zog Gasser offenbar eine vernichtende Bilanz über die Kontrolle des Verfassungsschutzes durch das Thüringer Innenministerium. Mediengruppe Thüringen Verlag GmbH, Erfurt. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  24. ^ Florian Rötzer (10 July 2012). ""Nach Weihnachten 1999 hat mir Roewer Hausverbot erteilt, danach war ich bis 2005 bei vollem Gehalt zu Haus"". Blick in die trübe Parallelgesellschaft des Verfassungsschutzes. Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Hannover (Telepolis). Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  25. ^ The German word used is "Untreue" which literally indicates infidelity or disloyalty
  26. ^ Kai Mudra (14 February 2012). "Gasser-Bericht im Landgericht Erfurt aufgetaucht". Das Innenministerium findet weitere Ausgaben des ehemals geheimen Dokuments über den Thüringer Verfassungsschutz. Ein Exemplar hatte der Landesrechnungshof. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat eine weitere Kopie. Der Bericht aus dem Jahr 2000 kritisiert unter anderem die Einstellung und Ernennung von Uni-Absolventen als Referatsleiter. Mediengruppe Thüringen Verlag GmbH, Erfurt. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  27. ^ Andreas Förster (13 August 2008). "Der Ex-Geheimdienstler Helmut Roewer erzählt Der Feind ist überall". Berliner Zeitung. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  28. ^ a b Markus Decker (22 February 2013). "Bundestag Helmut Roewer – Sonderling im NSU-Ausschuss". Mediengruppe Mitteldeutsche Zeitung GmbH & Co. KG, Halle. Retrieved 24 November 2017.
  29. ^ Kai Mudra (5 February 2014). "NSU-Prozess: Zeuge André K.: "Ich weiß, dass ich auf einmal drei leere Pässe hatte"". München. Die Jenaer Neonazi-Szene stand offenbar kurz davor, für Beate Zschäpe, Uwe Mundlos und Uwe Böhnhardt gefälschte Reisepässe zu organisieren. "Ich weiß, dass ich auf einmal drei leere Pässe hatte", sagte der Zeuge André K. am Mittwoch vor dem NSU-Prozess in München. Mediengruppe Thüringen Verlag GmbH, Erfurt. Retrieved 25 November 2017.
  30. ^ "NSU-Ausschuss: Roewer beklagt frühere "unglückliche" Personalsituation". WeltN24 GmbH, Berlin. 21 February 2013. Retrieved 25 November 2017.
  31. ^ Thorsten Denkler (5 October 2012). "Ein Mann, ein Skandal". Ex-Verfassungsschützer Roewer stellt Buch vor .... Wen intime Details über Roewers Wohnungssuche interessieren, muss sein Buch "Nur für den Dienstgebrauch" unbedingt lesen. Allen anderen müsste reichen, wie wenig es dem Ex-Verfassungsschützer ausmacht, mit einem rechten Verlag zusammenzuarbeiten. Wie einer nichts verrät und alles offenbart. Süddeutsche Zeitung GmbH, München. Retrieved 25 November 2017.
  32. ^ Helmut Roewer (29 May 2015). "Ganz schlimm, wenn es um Heiliges geht Franz Uhle-Wettler analysiert den Krieg in Vergangenheit und Zukunft und seine Ausuferungen im Namen der Ideologie". Junge Freiheit, Berlin. Retrieved 25 November 2017.

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Music awards ceremony 58th Annual Grammy AwardsOfficial posterDateFebruary 15, 2016LocationStaples Center, Los Angeles, California, U.S.Hosted byLL Cool JMost awardsKendrick Lamar (5)Most nominationsKendrick Lamar (11)Websitehttp://www.grammy.com/ Television/radio coverageNetworkCBSViewership24.9 million viewers[1] ← 57th · Grammy Awards · 59th → The 58th Annual Grammy Awards was held on February 15, 2016, at the Staples Center in Los A...


  关于与「內閣總理大臣」標題相近或相同的条目页,請見「內閣總理大臣 (消歧義)」。 日本國內閣總理大臣內閣總理大臣紋章現任岸田文雄自2021年10月4日在任尊称總理、總理大臣、首相、阁下官邸總理大臣官邸提名者國會全體議員選出任命者天皇任期四年,無連任限制[註 1]設立法源日本國憲法先前职位太政大臣(太政官)首任伊藤博文设立1885年12月22日,...

33°20′N 44°23′E / 33.333°N 44.383°E / 33.333; 44.383 العراق سلطة الائتلاف المؤقتة 2003 – 2004 سلطة الائتلاف المؤقتةعلم سلطة الائتلاف المؤقتةالختم الشعار الوطني : أمن، حرية، مساواة، عدل النشيد : [[السلام الجمهوري العراقي (نشيد){{السلام الجمهوري العراقي]]  (بحكم الأمر ا�...


English modernist writer (1882–1941) This article is about the British modernist author. For the American children's author, see Virginia Euwer Wolff. For the British rock band, see Virginia Wolf. Woolf redirects here. For other uses, see Woolf (disambiguation). This article may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience. Please help by spinning off or relocating any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against Wik...


A concept in social psychology Part of a series onThe Self Constructs Self-knowledge (psychology) Self-image Self-concept Self-schema Theories Neural basis of self Self-categorization theory Processes Self-perception theory Self-awareness Self-reflection Self-consciousness Value judgment Self-esteem True self and false self As applied to activities Self-assessment Self-efficacy Interpersonal Self-disclosure Self-concealment Social Personal identity (philosophy) Identity (social science) Colle...

Hindu temple in India DraksharamamBhimeswara Swamy templeReligionAffiliationHinduismDistrictKonaseemaDeityShivaFestivalsMaha Shivaratri, Kartik PurnimaLocationLocationDraksharamamStateAndhra PradeshCountryIndiaLocation in Andhra PradeshGeographic coordinates16°47′31″N 82°03′48″E / 16.792°N 82.0633°E / 16.792; 82.0633ArchitectureTypeDravidian architectureSpecificationsTemple(s)1InscriptionsTeluguElevation31.4 m (103 ft) Part of a series onHinduism ...


Dois planos não paralelos no espaço Na matemática, um plano é um ente primitivo geométrico infinito a duas dimensões. Nos Elementos de Euclides, não possui definição enquanto conceito genérico. Mas um plano qualquer é definido, ou determinado, de várias formas equivalentes. Em uma geometria Infinitesimal, é possível definir de forma genérica um plano como um conjunto infinito de retas, onde todas são perpendiculares a um mesmo vetor (vetor normal do plano). Planos no espaço U...