The grand prix RTL-Lire is one of the main literary awards of the winter/spring literary season in France. Given in partnership with Lire magazine, it rewards a French-language novel chosen by a jury of readers.
In 1992, the grand prix RTL-Lire took over the "prix RTL grand public" created in 1975. It is awarded in March of each year at the Salon Livre Paris [fr] (Paris Book Fair) to a French-language novel by a jury composed of one hundred readers chosen by twenty booksellers in France. A long-list of ten authors followed by a short-list of five is selected in January by the editors of the RTL radio station and the magazine Lire.
The award-winning book benefits from a promotional campaign and extensive editorial coverage on RTL radio and in the magazine Lire
List of laureates of the Grand prix RTL-Lire
External links