Got Talent Argentina, previously named Talento Argentino ("Argentine Talent"), is a television show, based on the English-format Got Talent series, which airs on the Telefe. It originally aired in 2008 TV schedule to mid 2011. The initial three seasons were led by Mariano Peluffo.
The show has three jurors responsible for selecting people with certain talents, from whom the winner is chosen by the public.
After 12 years, Telefe confirmed a fourth season, it premiered on August 21, 2023 with Lizy Tagliani as the new host.
The program requires participants to demonstrate their skill in various disciplines such as singing, dancing, comedy, music and more. During the performance, three judges decide whether the contestant should stop performing by pressing a button that turns on a big red X. If three Xs appear, the participant is automatically removed without being able to finish his presentation.
Every week, through a vote with SMS and phone calls, the public chooses participants. Competitors in second and third place are considered by the jury to reach the final of the competition and a chance to win the pageant.
In the end, the winner is chosen by the public. In the first edition, the prize was a hundred thousand pesos Argentina ($100,000 ARS).
The three Xs
The X is the indicator of whether the jury is pleased by the talent. The Xs are white when no judge pressed his button.
Majority of white Xs: Most jurors think that a participant should go to the next stage. When most Xs are white, the participant remains in the talent show.
Majority of red Xs: Most of the jurors are opposed to the participant remaining in the contest.
Season 1 (2008)
Broadcast: 27 July 2008 - 21 December 2008
After the success that took the competition around the world, Telefe bought the rights and issued it in mid-2008 with great success. Mariano Peluffo was the host of the contest, and the jury was made up of Venezuelan actress Catherine Fulop, the professional dancer Maximiliano Guerra, and Kike Teruel, the member of the group The Nocheros. The winner was comedian and impressionist Cordoba, Martín Bustos, who was rewarded with $100,000.
Number of selected participants: 132 (counting groups as one participant)
Number of individual participants: 101
Number of groups: 31
Oldest participant: Ana Flora García (83)
Youngest participant: Mariela Lavalleja (6)
First foreign participant: Stepan Grytsay
Unique in talent:
Michelle Sanchez (aerobic sports)
Maria Belen Barreiro (harp)
Juan Francisco Seguí (chair tango dancer)
Mariano Ramos (beat box with acrobatics)
Paul Mountain (bike trial)
Sergio Villagra (cartoonist)
Mauro y Nicole Proietto (acrobatic duo)
Ariel Rene Adorno (|malambo with bolas (cattle rounder))