Gopalakrishnan, a clever cook from Coimbatore, moves to an apartment in Chennai. He becomes quickly popular and appreciated among the apartment's women, however, their husbands get jealous of Gopalakrishnan. Meanwhile, he falls in love with Usha. He decides to marry her with the support of his neighbours. After the marriage, Usha has just learned that Gopalakrishnan was already married. Gopalakrishnan had got married with a girl but she was already pregnant and she eloped with her lover that very evening. Gopalakrishnan informed Usha's father of all these details, but Usha's father did not convey it to Usha because he thought it to be irrelevant. Usha, unaware of these details, is upset thinking that Gopalakrishnan tried to cheat her, and refuses to live with him. Usha's grandmother fuels Usha's mistrust towards Gopalakrishnan because the grandmother does not like Gopalakrishnan generally. Later, Gopalakrishnan finds a forsaken baby (by his ex-wife) in a dustbin and leaves the baby to an orphanage. Gopalakrishnan's father, an army officer, comes to live with his son and tries to help his son to win back Usha's heart. After a series of misunderstandings, Usha finally realises the honesty and good-naturedness of Gopalakrishnan and they reunite.
Pandiarajan as Gopalakrishnan and Usha's grandfather
R. P. R. of Kalki praised Pandiarajan for making a full-length comedy and succeeded in making people laugh and this film is a good example of screenplay which does not makes the viewer bore anywhere.[3]