which corresponds to an eigenvalue of λ1 = 1. This eigenfunction gives the probability of the occurrence of a given integer in a continued fraction expansion, and is known as the Gauss–Kuzmin distribution. This follows in part because the Gauss map acts as a truncating shift operator for the continued fractions: if
is the continued fraction representation of a number 0 < x < 1, then
Because is conjugate to a Bernoulli shift, the eigenvalue is simple, and since the operator leaves invariant the Gauss–Kuzmin measure, the operator is ergodic with respect to the measure. This fact allows a short proof of the existence of Khinchin's constant.
Additional eigenvalues can be computed numerically; the next eigenvalue is λ2 = −0.3036630029... (sequence A038517 in the OEIS)
and its absolute value is known as the Gauss–Kuzmin–Wirsing constant. Analytic forms for additional eigenfunctions are not known. It is not known if the eigenvalues are irrational.
Let us arrange the eigenvalues of the Gauss–Kuzmin–Wirsing operator according to an absolute value:
The eigenvalues form a discrete spectrum, when the operator is limited to act on functions on the unit interval of the real number line. More broadly, since the Gauss map is the shift operator on Baire space, the GKW operator can also be viewed as an operator on the function space (considered as a Banach space, with basis functions taken to be the indicator functions on the cylinders of the product topology). In the later case, it has a continuous spectrum, with eigenvalues in the unit disk of the complex plane. That is, given the cylinder , the operator G shifts it to the left: . Taking to be the indicator function which is 1 on the cylinder (when ), and zero otherwise, one has that . The series
then is an eigenfunction with eigenvalue . That is, one has whenever the summation converges: that is, when .
A special case arises when one wishes to consider the Haar measure of the shift operator, that is, a function that is invariant under shifts. This is given by the Minkowski measure. That is, one has that .[3]
The Gauss map is in fact much more than ergodic: it is exponentially mixing,[4][5] but the proof is not elementary.
The Gauss map, over the Gauss measure, has entropy . This can be proved by the Rokhlin formula for entropy. Then using the Shannon–McMillan–Breiman theorem, with its equipartition property, we obtain Lochs' theorem.[6]
Measure-theoretic preliminaries
A covering family is a set of measurable sets, such that any open set is a disjoint union of sets in it. Compare this with base in topology, which is less restrictive as it allows non-disjoint unions.
Knopp's lemma. Let be measurable, let be a covering family and suppose that . Then .
Proof. Since any open set is a disjoint union of sets in , we have for any open set , not just any set in .
Take the complement . Since the Lebesgue measure is outer regular, we can take an open set that is close to , meaning the symmetric difference has arbitrarily small measure .
At the limit, becomes have .
The Gauss map is ergodic
Fix a sequence of positive integers. Let . Let the interval be the open interval with end-points .
Lemma. For any open interval , we haveProof. For any we have by standard continued fraction theory. By expanding the definition, is an interval with end points . Now compute directly. To show the fraction is , use the fact that .
Theorem. The Gauss map is ergodic.
Proof. Consider the set of all open intervals in the form . Collect them into a single family . This is a covering family, because any open interval where are rational, is a disjoint union of finitely many sets in .
Suppose a set is -invariant and has positive measure. Pick any . Since Lebesgue measure is outer regular, there exists an open set which differs from by only . Since is -invariant, we also have . Therefore, By the previous lemma, we haveTake the limit, we have . By Knopp's lemma, it has full measure.
Relationship to the Riemann zeta function
The GKW operator is related to the Riemann zeta function. Note that the zeta function can be written as
which implies that
by change-of-variable.
Matrix elements
Consider the Taylor series expansions at x = 1 for a function f(x) and . That is, let
and write likewise for g(x). The expansion is made about x = 1 because the GKW operator is poorly behaved at x = 0. The expansion is made about 1 − x so that we can keep x a positive number, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Then the GKW operator acts on the Taylor coefficients as
where the matrix elements of the GKW operator are given by
This operator is extremely well formed, and thus very numerically tractable. The Gauss–Kuzmin constant is easily computed to high precision by numerically diagonalizing the upper-left n by n portion. There is no known closed-form expression that diagonalizes this operator; that is, there are no closed-form expressions known for the eigenvectors.
one gets: a0 = −0.0772156... and a1 = −0.00474863... and so on. The values get small quickly but are oscillatory. Some explicit sums on these values can be performed. They can be explicitly related to the Stieltjes constants by re-expressing the falling factorial as a polynomial with Stirling number coefficients, and then solving. More generally, the Riemann zeta can be re-expressed as an expansion in terms of Sheffer sequences of polynomials.
This expansion of the Riemann zeta is investigated in the following references.[7][8][9][10][11] The coefficients are decreasing as
^Alkauskas, Giedrius (2018). "Transfer operator for the Gauss' continued fraction map. I. Structure of the eigenvalues and trace formulas". arXiv:1210.4083 [math.NT].
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^ Yeremin, A. Yu.; Kaporin, I. E.; Kerimov, M. K. (1988). "Computation of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta-function in the complex domain". USSR Comput. Math. And Math. Phys. 28 (4): 115–124. doi:10.1016/0041-5553(88)90121-8.
^ Báez-Duarte, Luis (2003). "A new necessary and sufficient condition for the Riemann hypothesis". arXiv:math.NT/0307215.