Fushigi Dagashiya Zenitendō (Japanese: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂) is a Japanese children's novel series written by Reiko Hiroshima, with illustrations by Jyajya. Kaiseisha has published the books since May 2013, with 21 volumes as of October 15, 2024. An anime television series adaptation by Toei Animation premiered on September 8, 2020.[4] It was also adapted by Toei into a segment of the omnibus film Toei Manga Matsuri, titled Fushigi Dagashiya Zenitendō: Tsuritai Yaki,[5] which was originally scheduled to premiere in Japanese theatres on April 24, 2020, but was postponed to August 14, 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.[4]
The first series of episodes ran from September 2020 to April 2023. The second series started with episode 85 in April 2023 till number 116 on March 1, 2024. A third series on April 5, 2024 started with episode 117 till episode 139 on November 15, 2024.[6]