In the finals, Ledeux won the first run, closely followed by Gu. She continued the lead in the second run, as Gu's run was worse, and Gremaud came up second. However, in the third run Gu had the same score as Ledeux in the first one, and as her first run score was still higher than Ledeux's second run score, she became the champion.
A total of 30 athletes qualified to compete at the games. For an athlete to compete they must have a minimum of 50.00 FIS points on the FIS Points List on January 17, 2022, and a top 30 finish in a World Cup event or at the FIS Freestyle Ski World Championships 2021 in either big air or slopestyle. A country could enter a maximum of four athletes into the event.[2]
Q — Qualified for the Final
The top 12 athletes in the qualifiers advanced to the Final.[3]