In 1885 he was chosen the chairman of the charity committee of the Cultusrath (German: Kultusrat, Board of Education) of Lemberg, and in 1902 became president of the Jewish community there. In 1890, he was a "Stadtverordneter" and president of the Shomer Israel Society. In 1891, he was elected to represent Brody and Zolochiv in the Reichsrat.
Some of his more important speeches in that body were:
an address in 1893 against Prince Liechtenstein on the establishment of a Jewish theological seminary.
an address on 4 May 1898 against the proposition that the sittings of the committee to consider the charges against ex-Prime MinisterKazimierz F. Graf Badeni should be public
1898 address on the "Ausnahmeszustand" (state of emergency) in Galicia, which was very well received.