Established by both the resolution of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland of May 9, 2008[5] and the resolution of the Senate of Poland of October 7, 2009,[6] 2010 was officially announced as the Chopin Year, which is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frédéric Chopin. On the occasion of the anniversary, state and local government institutions, universities, foundations and associations organised a great variety of cultural events in many Polish cities. In particular, concerts, festivals and artistic events popularizing the composer's work were held in Warsaw. The capital authorities undertook promotional activities, reminding people that Chopin lived in Warsaw from the age of 7 months to the age of 20.
Chopin Dance Project – international meetings of dance theaters
1st Chopin Festival of Young Composers. Transgressions
Artistic events, exhibitions, installations
opening of works by graphic artist Osvald Klapper Chopin in the Czech Republic for fun at Chopin Airport
promotional concert and exhibition of the National Edition of Chopin's Works
Dutch tulips Chopin's Prelude in the Royal Łazienki Park
theater festival Central Warsaw – Migrations
Street Art Cheering festival – painting, among others Chopin murals
the piano at Castle Square connected to the castle tower by several long metal strings, which transmitted vibrations of sounds from Chopin's recordings played in the tower to the strings of the instrument
Mapping Chopin installation by Paweł Janicki
installation by Jarosław Kapuściński Where is Chopin?
installation of Ewa Wesołowska's Note on the pond in the Oliwa Park in Gdańsk
competition and poster exhibition Fryderyk! Return to Warsaw!
competition for spots encouraging foreigners to visit the capital in the Chopin Year Visit Chopin in Warsaw on the website
Chopin game online
Chopin tram running from June to September, with 36 posters from the Fryderyk! competition displayed inside. Return to Warsaw!, and passengers could listen to Chopin's music performed by pianist Krzysztof Trzaskowski played from MP3
city New Year's Eve party with Chopin elements
piano concert of Chopin's music Flower by Kenzo
Viva Comet Awards – musical setting with fragments of Chopin's works, a special piece dedicated to Chopin
Night of Museums in Warsaw - the event included: Night with Chopin - a performance by the AKT street theater, a series of night concerts Waiting for Chopin, Concerto in F minor for you
Chopin's birthday - online plebiscite on knowledge about Frédéric Chopin
Chopin's Piano exhibition
exhibition at the Museum of Caricature
exhibition University in Chopin's time
film promoting Chopin's city of Warsaw (directed by Kordian Piwowarski ) in 8 language versions
review of the composer's film biographies at the Iluzjon cinema
screening of the film Chopin's Love and Tears
Chopin's ceramic nose cast from the composer's sculpture from the Royal Łazienki Park (by Robert Pludra )
white and red lollipops in the shape of Chopin's head
stamps in the shape of a pianist's head by Lucyna Lubińska
Cho-Pins stamps in the shape of the outline of Poland with the inscription I love Chopin
gloves with keys instead of fingers
Chopin rag cuddly toys
Coca-Cola refrigerators with Chopin's image placed at kiosks throughout the city
In 2010, each born child registered in Warsaw received a commemorative Chopin outfit (bodysuit)
Luxury items
jewelry Cuffs (by Małgorzata Matuszewska ) - 1st place in the competition "Chopin - the shape of Music"
bracelets decorated with musical notes
alcohol: luxurious series of Preludium, Sonata, Scherzo
chocolates: Wedel chocolate box
Chopin is everywhere . "Polska the Times - Warsaw". 76, pp. 4–5, 2010-02-19.