Train no.15205 departs from Lucknow Junction (LJN) daily at 05:30 PM reaching Jabalpur (JBP) the next day at 05:30 AM.
Train no.15206 departs from Jabalpur (JBP) daily at 08:50 PM, reaching Lucknow (LJN) the next day at 09:30 AM.
Coach composite
The train consists of Coaches :
1 AC I & II Tier
4 AC III Tier
6 Sleeper Coaches
11 Unreserved
1 Ladies/Handicapped
1 Luggage/Brake Van
Average speed and frequency
The train runs with an average speed of around 48 km/h. The train runs on a daily basis.
The train is hauled by an Itarsi Loco Shed based WAP-7 electric locomotive from end to end.
Rake maintenance
The train is maintained by the Jabalpur Coaching Depot.