The film begins with two soulmates, Srinivas Rao & Sridhar. One is a tycoon, whereas the other works as his manager. Sridhar's daughter Aruna is pampered and doted on by Srinivasa Rao. Nagabhushnam, a black-hearted brother-in-law of Sridhar Rao, ruses to knit Aruna with his idiotic son Rambabu to usurp the wealth. He also envies the prioritization & supremacy of Srinivasa Rao. Besides, Srinivasa Rao leads a delightful life with his wife, Lalitha, and a blind mother. Once Aruna visits her friend's nuptial, she gets acquainted with her childhood friend Ravi. They crush and become consummates. Meanwhile, Sridhar Rao gets a heart attack when Aruna arrives home and notices she is pregnant. Then, as an Air Force pilot, Ravi becomes a crash victim. Being cognizant of it, Aruna collapses and explains the plight to Srinivas Rao. Now, he gamely plans with Lalitha by announcing she is pregnant. He also convinces Sridhar Rao to bring Aruna to his house as a nurse. Aruna gives birth to the baby boy and returns. However, as of now, a different question arises: Lalitha conceives, and she, too, gives birth to the baby boy. Nagabhushnam discerns it, abducts the child, and imperils Aruna to espouse Rambabu. Aruna agrees and states her decision to Sridhar, which leads to his death. Next, Aruna is forced to ostracize Srinivasa Rao. Whereat, he feels something fishy, lands in disguise, and ceases Nagabhushnam. At last, Ravi, who dodges a bullet, returns. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the family's reunion.