As per the 2001 census, Chakkarapalli had a total population of 6082 with 2856 males and 3226 females. The sex ratio was 1130. The literacy rate was 84.53.
Police Station
chakkarapalli is under the control of Ayyampettai police station located near pasupathikovil
Bus Stand
The nearest bus stand is ayyampettai Bus stand is located near by the Government Higher secondary school Ayyampettai. Ayyampettai is well connected with roads between the Highway of Thanjavur - Kumbakonam. All sorts of Buses provide service here.
Railway Station
The nearest railway station is Ayyampettai railway station is located towards Aharamangudi Road near from Railady mosque.
Chakkarapalli Panchayat Government Secondary School, North Street.
Chakkarapalli Panchayat Government School, Big Street.
Paasamalar Welfare Association ( 88 708 808 28