Ayyampettai Town Panchayat has a population of 16,263 of which 7,593 are males while 8,670 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.
Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 1767 which is 10.87% of total population of Ayyampettai (TP). In Ayyampettai Town Panchayat, Female Sex Ratio is of 1142 against state average of 996. Moreover, Child Sex Ratio in Ayyampettai is around 1001 compared to Tamil Nadu state average of 943. Literacy rate of Ayyampettai city is 89.02% higher than state average of 80.09%. In Ayyampettai, Male literacy is around 93.32% while female literacy rate is 85.31%.
Ayyampettai Bus stand is located near by the Government Higher secondary school Ayyampettai. Ayyampettai is well connected with roads between the Highway of Thanjavur - Kumbakonam. All sorts of Buses provide service here.
Mathagadi Bus Stop is located middle of this town near ayyampettai to Ganapathi agrahaaram road starting point. Here only Town buses and Mini buses services.
Koviladi Bus Stop is located near chakkarapalli. All bus services here except Point to Point and express buses
Chakkarapalli Bus stop is located starting point of this town. service provided by town bus and Mini bus.