English name
Type of proper noun
Start year (approximate)
End year (approximate)
Native language name
Andrew of Bethsaida (Son of Jonah & Joanna) An apostle of Jesus
AD 5
AD 65
Andrew Koinē Greek: Ἀνδρέας Pronunciation: Awn-dray-yiss
Andrew of Bethsaida Greek: Ανδρέας της Βηθσαΐδας Pronunciation: Awn-dray-yiss teese Veeth-sie-doss
1894 BC
539 BC
Akkadian: 𒆳𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 Pronunciation: Māt Akkadī Meaning: The Country of Akkad
Belshazzar (Son of Nabonidus) (King of Babylonia)
585 BC
539 BC
Babylonian cuneiform: Pronunciation: Bēl-šar-uṣur Meaning: Bel, protect the king
Bethlehem (Beth Lehem)
(This is the biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ. However some scholars believe he was born in Nazareth. See the main article for more information.)
1400 BC
Village name during the kingdoms of Israel, Judah until the Siege of Jerusalem (930 BC to 587 BC):
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤁𐤉𐤕𐤋𐤄𐤌[1][2] Pronunciation: Bayawt Lahawm Meaning: House of Bread
Village name from 587 BC through the time of Christ:
Aramaic: בית לחם Pronunciation: Beit Lekhem Meaning: House of Bread
Beth Shemesh
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤁𐤉𐤕𐤔𐤌𐤔 Pronunciation: Bayawt Shamawsh Meaning: House of Sun
Caesar, Augustus (son of Gaius Octavius & Atia)
63 BC
AD 14
Latin: AVGVSTVS CAESAR (Augustus Caesar) Pronunciation: Ow-goos-toos Kie-sar
Phoenician: 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍 KNʿN
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍 Pronunciation: K-naw-un
Caiaphas, Joseph ben
14 BC
AD 46
Hebrew: יהוסף בר קַיָפָא Pronunciation: Yeh-hoo-siff bar Kie-yuh-fuh
David (Son of Jesse & Nitzevet bat Adael)
1035 BC
970 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤃𐤅𐤃 Pronunciation: Daw-weed Meaning: Beloved One
David, House of (the linage of David)
1035 BC
970 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤁𐤉𐤕𐤃𐤅𐤃 Pronunciation: Bayt Daw-weed
Egypt, Nation of
3150 BC
30 BC
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Kemet Meaning: Black Land
Egypt, Province of (Province of the Roman Republic from 30 to 27 BC, Province of the Roman Empire from 27 BC - AD 641)
30 BC
AD 641
Egypt: Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Kemet Meaning: Black Land
Ezekiel (son of Buzi)
622 BC
570 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤇𐤆𐤒𐤀𐤋 Pronunciation: Yekh-khez-kell Meaning: Strength of God
1810 BC
1750 BC
Akkadian: 𒄩𒄠𒈬𒊏𒁉 Pronunciation: Ḫâmmurapi
Isaiah (son of Amoz)
770 BC
715 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤔𐤏𐤉𐤄𐤅 Yasha-yahoo Meaning: Yahweh is Salvation
Israel, Kingdom of
See: Kingdom of Israel between 1047 and 930 BC
See: Kingdom of Israel between 930 and 720 BC (a.k.a. Kingdom of Samaria) (after the loss of the southern part due to the formation of the Kingdom of Judah)
1047 BC
720 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋[3] Pronunciation: Yasharaal[3]
Jacob of Nazareth (a.k.a. James) (brother of Jesus) (son of Mary & Joseph)
AD 1
AD 66
Jacob: Aramaic: יעקוב Transliteration: Yaw-aw-kove
Jacob of Nazareth: Aramaic: יעקוב נצריא Pronunciation: Yaw-aw-kove Nawsh-rie-ya
After 2348 BC (according to creation dating)
9000 BC (according to mainstream science)
1400 BC
Ugaritic: 𐎊𐎗𐎃 Pronunciation: Yar-ree-kho
3000 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤓𐤅𐤔𐤋𐤉𐤌 Transliteration: Yerushalayim
Jesus of Nazareth
Son of God and Mary
Earthly Father: Joseph
4 BC
AD 30
Jesus: Aramaic: ישוע Aramaic with vowels: יֵשׁוּע Transliteration: Yeshu Meaning: Yahweh is Salvation
Jesus of Nazareth Aramaic: ישוע נצריא Aramaic with vowels: יֵשׁוּע נָצרָיָא Transliteration: Yeshu Nawsh-rie-ya
Jesus Christ / Jesus the Messiah Aramaic: ישוע משיחא Aramaic with vowels: יֵשׁוּע משִׁיחָא Transliteration: Yeshu Mesheekhaw
Joshua (son of Nun)
1355 BC
1245 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏[3] Pronunciation: Yaw-oo-shaw-oo-eh Meaning: Yahweh is Salvation
Judah, Kingdom of (named after Judah, the son of Jacob and Leah)
930 BC
586 BC
Judah: Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤃𐤄 Pronunciation: Yuh-how-wuh-duh
Judah Maccabee (son of Mattathias ben Johanan)
190 BC
160 BC
Judah: Hebrew: יהודה Pronunciation: Yehudaw
Judah Maccabee: Hebrew: יהודה המכבי Pronunciation: Yehudaw Haw-maw-kub-bee
Jude, Province of (province within Babylonia, former Kingdom of Judah)
586 BC
539 BC
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude, Province of (province within Achaemenid Empire, former Kingdom of Judah)
539 BC
332 BC
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude, Province of (province within Coele-Syria, former Kingdom of Judah)
332 BC
64 BC
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude, Province of (province within Hasmonean dynasty, former Kingdom of Judah)
64 BC
37 BC
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude, Province of (province within Herodian Kingdom, former Kingdom of Judah)
37 BC
6 BC
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude, Province of (province within the Roman Empire, former Kingdom of Judah)
6 BC
AD 135
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude of Galilee (apostle of Jesus)
AD 1
AD 65
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Jude of Kerioth (a.k.a. Judas)
(an apostle of Jesus who later betrayed him)
3 BC
AD 33
Jude: Aramaic: יהוד Pronunciation: Yehud
Lucifer (Lucifer means the planet Venus, and is not another name for Satan. See main article for more information. It's used in Isaiah 14:12 a metaphor to refer to King Nebuchadnezzar II.)
4004 BC (according to creation dating)
4,500,000,000 BC (according to mainstream science)
Akkadian: Ishtar
(Ishtar is the actual name that King Nebuchadnezzar II would have known the Planet Venus by)
(See here for various Akkadian script spellings of Ishtar)
Luke (Luke the Evangelist)
AD 1
AD 84
Aramaic: לוקא Pronunciation: Luka
Mary of Nazareth (daughter of Joachim & Anne)
(Mother of Jesus)
25 BC
AD 75
Aramaic: מרים Pronunciation: Maryam
Aramaic: מרים נצריא Transliteration: Maryam Nawsh-rie-ya
Mary of Magdala (friend of Jesus)
AD 3
AD 63
Aramaic: מרים Pronunciation: Maryám
Moses (son of Amram & Jochebed)
1391 BC
1271 BC
Ancient Egyptian: [4] Pronunciation: Mo-seh[5] Meaning: Is Born[5]
Nazareth (This is the village that Jesus grew up in. Although Bethlehem is the biblical birthplace of Jesus, some scholars believe that Jesus was born in Nazareth.)
2200 BC
Aramaic: נצרת Pronunciation: Naw-saw-reth
Nebuchadnezzar II (son of Nabopolassar)
(King of Babylonia)
642 BC
562 BC
Akkadian: Pronunciation: Nabû-kudurri-uṣur Meaning: Nabu protect my boundary/heir
Nefertari Meritmut (wife of Pharaoh Ramesses II)
1301 BC
1255 BC
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Nefertari
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Nefertari Meritmut
Paul of Tarsus
AD 5
AD 65
Paul: Greek: Παύλος Pronunciation: Pávlos
Paul of Tarsus: Greek: Ο Παύλος του Ταρσού Pronunciation: O Pávlos tou Tarsoú
Pilate, Pontius (Pontius Pilate was the governor of the Roman province of Judaea. He gave the order to crucify Jesus.)
20 BC
AD 36
Latin: PONTIVS PILATVS (Pontius Pilatus) Pronunciation: Pone-tee-oos Pee-law-toos
Quirinius, Publius Sulpicius
Publius Quirinius was governor of the Roman province of Syria. He created the Roman province of Judaea, and conducted the Census of Quirinius in AD 6.
The census was the reason that Joseph and Mary came to Bethlehem, Judaea for Jesus's birth. This contradicts Jesus being born during the time of King Herod I who died in 4 BC.
51 BC
AD 21
Latin: PVBLIVS SVLPICIVS QVIRINIVS (Publius Sulpicius Quirinius) Pronunciation: Poob-blee-oos Sul-pee-kee-oos Kweer-reen-nee-oos
Ramesses I (son of Seti)
Pharaoh of Egypt
1345 BC
1294 BC
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Ra-mes-su
Ramesses II (son of Menmaatre Seti I & Tuya)
Pharaoh of Egypt
1303 BC
1213 BC
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Ra-mes-su
Roman Empire
See: The Roman Empire between 27 BC and AD 395
See: The western part of the Roman Empire between AD 395 and 476
See: The eastern part of the Roman Empire between AD 395 and 476
See: The Roman Empire between AD 476 and 1453 (after the loss of the western part)
27 BC
AD 1453
Roman Empire: Latin: IMPERIVM ROMANVM (Imperium Romanum) Pronunciation: Eem-pair-ee-oom Ro-muh-noom
Rome (short name): Latin: ROMA (Roma) Pronunciation: Roma
Roman Kingdom
753 BC
509 BC
Roman Kingdom: Latin: REGNVM ROMANVM (Regnum Romanum) Pronunciation: Rayg-noom Ro-muh-noom
Rome (short name): Latin: ROMA (Roma) Pronunciation: Roma
Roman Republic
509 BC
27 BC
Roman Republic: Latin: RES PVBLICA ROMANA (Res Publica Romana) Pronunciation: Res poob-lee-ka Ro-muh-na
Rome (short name): Latin: ROMA (Roma) Pronunciation: Roma
Samson (son of Manoah)
1154 BC
1124 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤔𐤌𐤔𐤅𐤍 Pronunciation: Shaw-ma-shie-yun
Samuel (Son of Elkanah & Hannah)
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤔𐤌𐤅𐤀𐤋 Shaw-maw-yaw-ul
Seti (father of Pharaoh Ramesses I)
Ancient Egyptian: [6] Pronunciation: Sethi}}
Simon of Cana
Apostle of Jesus
AD 65
Simon: Aramaic: שמעון Pronunciation: Sheem-own
Simon Ben Jonah a.k.a. Peter
Apostle of Jesus
AD 1
AD 66
Simon: Aramaic: שמעון Pronunciation: Sheem-own
Simon Ben Jonah: Aramaic: שמעון בר יונה Pronunciation: Sheem-own Ball Yonaw
Peter: Aramaic: כיפא Aramaic with vowels: כֵּיפָא Pronunciation: Keifa Meaning: Rock/Stone
Sinai Peninsula
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Biau Meaning: The Mining Country
Ancient Egyptian: Pronunciation: Khetiu Mafkat}} Meaning: The Ladders of Turquoise
Sinim (biblical name of Qin, a state of Zhou)
897 BC
207 BC
Old Chinese (Bronze inscriptions): (Baxter–Sagart): /*[dz]i[n]/ (Zhengzhang): /*zin/
Solomon (son of David and Bathsheba)
990 BC
931 BC
Paleo-Hebrew: 𐤔𐤋𐤌𐤄[3] Pronunciation: Shalamah[3] Meaning: Peace
After 2348 BC (according to creation dating)
5500 BC (according to mainstream science)
1800 BC
Akkadian: 𒋗𒈨𒊒 Pronunciation: Shoo-mer-roo
Timothy of Ephesus
AD 30
AD 97
Greek: Τιμόθεος Pronunciation: Tee-moe-thay-ose
Ur (of the Chaldees)
After 2348 BC (according to creation dating)
3800 BC (according to mainstream science)
After 500 BC
Akkadian: 𒋀𒀕𒆠 Pronunciation: urim₂ki /Urim/, “Ur”}}