The film begins with the mischievous childhood of Babumon and Baburam Chatterji. Then it progresses to their mischievous adulthood. They run into some troubles with Monayi and Varki, who are the brother and father of Angel, Babu's love interest, and their right hand Manikandan. When a Bengali worker falls prey to a trap laid by Manikandan to kill Babu, it turns out to be a life changer. While taking the body back to Kolkata, Babu and Angel elope in the ambulance to register their marriage there. Chaterji takes up the driving, and Shanthi who is Babulal's love interest is also there and Soman to see Bengal. The troubles they land in and how they resolve it to successfully lead a married life forms the rest of the film.
The Times of India gave the film 3 stars out of 5 and wrote, "all in all, the story falls into place at the end, despite the initial glitches".[3]Sify wrote, "The makers of Bhaiyya Bhaiyya have just mixed melodrama, crass comedy, song n dance routines and some action sequences, without a proper recipe. Just like what happens in cooking, they end up making a tasteless dish".[4]Rediff gave the film 2 stars out of 5 and wrote, "Bhaiyya Bhaiyya does provide a few chuckles, but nothing substantial".[5] gave it a score of 1.8 out of 5 and wrote, "Sporadically bringing out a laughter or two, this is a film that very rarely engages us emotionally and which fundamentally falls apart at the seams".[6] gave it 6 out of 10 and wrote, "Evenly paced and filled with comedies, this light hearted film entertains in parts. Had it been directed with a little more care, ‘Bhaiya Bhaya’ could have worked relatively well".[7]