The RNIE 3 highway of Benin passes through the town of Bassila and the commune. The main ethnic groups in the commune are in the order of significance: Yoruba/Nagot who are the native dwellers, as well as smaller migrant communities of Anii and Tem people otherwise known as 'Kotokoli'. The Nagots historically migrated from Nigeria during a westward Yoruba expansion. The town of Bassila is largely Anii, and is the largest Anii-speaking village. Given that Bassila is located in proximity to the border with Togo, a significant proportion of the population are of Togolese origin (Anii and Kotokoli migrants).[3]
Bassila is the second largest arrondissement in Benin by land area.
Mont Sokbaro, widely cited as the highest point of Benin, lies in Bassila commune, on the border with Togo.