It operates as train number 15463 from Balurghat to Siliguri Junction and as train number 15464 in the reverse direction serving the states of Bihar & West Bengal.
The 15463 / 64 Balurghat – Siliguri Junction Intercity Express has nine general unreserved & two SLR (seating with luggage rake) coaches . It does not carry a pantry car coach.
As is customary with most train services in India, coach composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand.
The 22869 Balurghat – Siliguri Junction Intercity Express covers the distance of 323 km (201 mi) in 6 hours 55 minutes (47 km/h) & in 7 hours 55 minutes as the 15464 Siliguri Junction – Balurghat Intercity Express (41 km/h).
As the average speed of the train is lower than 55 km/h (34 mph), as per railway rules, its fare doesn't includes a Superfast surcharge.