The season focuses on new faces amongst the Baddies group as they take The Dirty South by storm, featuring Natalie Nunn, Elliadria "Persuasian" Griffin, Jelaminah Lanier, Chrisean "Rock" Malone, Gia “Rollie" Mayham, Sashanna "Slim" McLaurin, Anne Moore, Scotlynd Ryan and Briana Walker. Sidney Starr from the previous season appears in a recurring capacity throughout the series, whilst Oliver, Salgado and Shanks appeared as guests.
The season consisted of 17 episodes, including a three-part reunion special hosted by Trina and Janeisha John.[2] This was the final season for Griffin, McLaurin, Moore and Walker.
Production and crew
The second season featured ten baddies as they toured around the Southern States of the US in a "decked-out" tour bus, with cameras capturing club performances and their luxurious vacations in mansions throughout various States. The majority of the cast from the previous season was replaced due to ongoing conflicts following the Baddies ATL Reunion.
The second season saw the cast travelling through the Southern states from Atlanta to Charlotte, Nashville, New Orleans, and Houston. Amongst the luxurious homes, hottest clubs and wildest parties; the season gave an insight into Southern culture, as the women prove why they are the "baddest" girls of the South.
Zeus confirmed the second season would air in June 2022, with Natalie Nunn and Christina Salgado featured as the only returning cast members. Despite Salgado's expected return, she missed the bus without explanation during the season's first episode and was removed from the series altogether, only appearing in a green screen confessional.
The official cast was announced as Nunn alongside newcomers Elliadria "Persuasian" Griffin, Jelaminah Lanier, Chrisean "Rock" Malone, Goldie "Rollie" Martin, Sashanna "Slim" McLaurin, Anne Moore, Scotlynd Ryan and Briana Walker.[3] It was also announced that Sarah Oliver and Sidney Starr would appear throughout the season in recurring capacities.
Ryan was added to the cast in the fourth episode, whilst Malone was removed from the series during the twelfth episode. Due to Salgado's departure from the series and Ryan's introduction later in the season, neither are featured in the show's opening credits, however, both are still acknowledged as main cast members. Salgado was also not featured in the cast photoshoot cover for the second season.
The season finale was followed by a three-part reunion special, hosted by Trina and Janeisha John, which was released from September 25, 2022, to October 9, 2022. Due to Salgado's absence from the season, she was not in attendance at the reunion. Oliver did not appear at the reunion taping, however, Starr showed up at the reunion taping unannounced.