Bad Boys is a reality television series that premiered on March 20, 2022, on the Zeus Network. It is a spin-off to the Zeus series Baddies, which itself is inspired by the former Oxygen series Bad Girls Club. Bad Boys is executive produced by Natalie Nunn and has aired 2 seasons.
The show documents the interactions between several young men living together while hosting a series of promotional events, which often involve verbal and physical altercations. Bad Boys has aired 2 seasons, which are uniquely named after where they were filmed. The first season Bad Boys Los Angeles was filmed entirely in Los Angeles, California, while the second season Bad Boys Texas was filmed during a road trip through Texas.
Overview and casting
Zeus Network announced casting calls for a new series with the working title Bad Boys Club in November 2021. Natalie Nunn, who was featured on the fourth season of the former Oxygen series Bad Girls Club and the current Zeus series Baddies, was confirmed as an executive producer.[1]
The cast of the first season was confirmed in March 2022.[2] The trailer was released on March 13, with a premiere date announced for March 20.[3] This seasons reunion was cancelled due to cast members backing out last minute.
The cast of the second season was confirmed on March 9, 2023.[4] The trailer was released on April 16, with a premiere date announced for April 23. Bad Boys features Former B2k Member Raz B, Disney Star Orlando Brown & Celebrity Hairstylist Jonathan Wright. [5]
^Jonathan was removed from the house due to his altercation with Rio
^William left the house voluntarily after feeling paranoid after a dispute with Moolah, he felt like Moolah (and others) were going to physically attack him.
^Andrew voluntarily left the show (before the cast entered the house) in episode 1, after several altercations and disagreements with the other cast members and production.