The plot revolves around the Coimbatore bomb blast, where a special team under officer Stalin Manimaran, arrests Babu Mather alias Babu Sait, a local community leader as a suspect in the bomb blast case. One year later, Anwar, a Malayali/Tamil youth is arrested while carrying with some hawala money, and is sent to prison with Babu Sait and his team. Anwar is fascinated by the terrorist activities of Babu Sait, who helps Anwar in getting bail and interests him in his activities. Anwar successfully terminates two local drug dealers and becomes the most trusted and obedient right hand of Babu Sait. Anwar succeeds in planting a bomb in the police headquarters and is soon introduced to Basheer Bhai and his man Rana, who selects him to spearhead another dangerous project of chain blasts in Mumbai. Though Anwar goes on with their plans, Babu Sait shows the pictures of the Coimbatore blast, which diverts Anwar to his past.
Past: Anwar is an NRI, who returns from USA for his sister Asna's wedding in a rural area of Palakkad where he meets and falls for Asna's best friend Ayesha, who later accepts his proposal. When Anwar and his family went for shopping to Coimbatore, a sudden blast occurs which kills his whole family, leaving Anwar as the sole survivor, but Ayesha is later arrested for the blast. Anwar requests Stalin for her bail, but the latter refuses due to lack of evidence. Later, Anwar begins to assist Stalin in the discovery of the terrorists and their nefarious activities and joins Babu Sait's gang in order to learn about their next attack.
Present: Anwar reveals about the bomb blasts planned by Babu Sait to Stalin in their secret meeting, where Stalin also brings Ayesha so that they could meet after a long time. When Babu Sait's men arrive, Stalin tells Anwar to act as if they were having a fight, and one of the Babu Sait's men shoot Stalin, thereby killing him, thinking that Anwar was having a fight. Anwar is given the responsibility of transporting the deadly terrorists to Mumbai, through a ship containing full of explosives and weapons. At first, Anwar makes them think that he is on their side, but he soon blasts the ship and kills all the terrorists. Anwar reveals his true face to Babu Sait and kills Basheer and Rana. Babu Sait becomes furious, when Anwar cheated them.
Anwar reveals that his parents and many innocent people, who were true believers, got killed in the bomb blast planned by Babu Sait and Anwar was the weapon used against him. Anwar tells that nobody will forgive Babu Sait's treachery. Being defeated, Babu Sait commits suicide by shooting himself. Anwar calls Stalin's phone, which is under police custody, and tells them that the mission is accomplished. Stalin and his colleague received bravery awards, but no one has recognised the near-death battle, which Anwar has played. Anwar and Ayesha are now living together in a small house at a quiet place.
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Since the film takes place in Coimbatore, Prakash Raj's character speaks in Tamil.[7][8] Shoot for the film started in March, 2010. The main location was Kochi.[9][10][11]
The soundtrack of the film, composed by Gopi Sundar, was released on 3 September 2010. The album features seven songs with lyrics by Rafeeq Ahmed, with 7 songs in Malayalam version and 5 songs in Tamil version of the film.
In the 2011 Vanitha Film Awards, the song Kizhakku Pookkum won three awards: Best Song, Best Female Playback (Shreya Ghoshal) and Best Lyrics (Rafeeq Ahamed).[12]
Malayalam Version
"Kizhakku Pookkum"
Shreya Ghoshal, Navin Iyer, Sabari Brothers and Raqueeb Alam