Air Wick is an American brand of air freshener owned by the British multinational company Reckitt. It was launched by creator Guy Paschal in 1943 in the United States, and is now sold worldwide.[1]
Air Wick was introduced in 1943 in the United States.[2][3] In 1973, it had sales of $33.5 million and earnings of $2.7 million, prompting the Swiss pharmaceutical company Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis) to investigate purchasing them. Ciba-Geigy took brief control of the company in 1974 before selling it to British household products company Reckitt & Colman (now Reckitt Benckiser) in December 1984.[4]
The sale was partly motivated by what Ciba-Geigy's top management saw as a product that was at odds with their corporate culture; their rationale was that as a chemical business, they should not be involved with consumer products.[5] In October 2007, Reckitt Benckiser won a High Court ruling in a lawsuit with Procter & Gamble over claims that the design of Air Wick Odour Stop was an exact copy of P&G's Febreze air spray.[6]