Erwin, the protagonist, is shy and “collects” an imaginary harem of women by tagging them mentally when looking from the streetcar. One day, he encounters the Devil in the shape of a German middle-aged women, Frau Monde, who tells him he can have all the women he can “collect” before midnight provided their number is uneven. Erwin tries to do so but ultimately fails.
The story makes reference to a teenage girl as one of the women Erwin tries to make part of his collection, an early reference to the theme of hebephilia that is later spun out in Lolita. This may be the earliest reference in Nabokov's work to the attraction of pubescent girls.[1]
Fantasy, Folklore, and Finite Numbers in Nabokov's "A Nursery Tale" by Susan Sweeney, The Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Autumn, 1999), pp. 511–529.