The plot of this cartoon involves Mexican Revolutionary mice led by El Supremo, who wants to have an important message brought to General Gracias on the other side of the country. Numerous attempts to deliver the message fail when every messenger is caught and eaten by Sylvester. Desperate, El Supremo's subordinates suggest to summon Speedy to deliver the message.
After overcoming several of Sylvester's attempts to thwart him, Speedy traps Sylvester and delivers the important message to the general—only for it to turn out to be a "Happy Birthday" from El Supremo, who then appears to congratulate Gracias in person. Disgusted because he has gone through all the trouble for such a trivial task, Speedy returns to Sylvester, who is of the same mind. Speedy unties Sylvester, who then chases after the two generals.
Story: John Dunn
Animation: George Grandpré, Ted Bonnicksen, Warren Batchelder, Keith Darling