In June 2009, Asian Television Network was granted approval from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to launch a television channel called ATN Cricket Channel Two, described as "a national, English-language ethnic Category 2 specialty programming service devoted to cricket matches from around the world and Canada as well as other sports from India."[1]
The channel was launched on October 28, 2010 as ATN NEO Sports under a licensing agreement from the parent company of the Indian channel NEO Cricket.[citation needed] It sourced much of its programming from the India-based channel. ATN NEO Cricket was renamed ATN Cricket in March 2012. Shortly thereafter, in June 2012, the channel was renamed again, this time as ATN Sports. The Indian channel renamed NEO Prime on June 3, 2012.
In May 2013, ATN announced a partnership with Doordarshan, India's public broadcaster. Along with the launch of several Doordarshan channels, ATN also acquired the rights to content from DD Sports for ATN Sports.[citation needed] As of 2015, the channel goes by the name ATN DD Sports.