Winners are listed first, highlighted in boldface, and indicated with a double dagger (‡).[1][2][a] Sections are based upon the categories listed in the 2007–2008 Emmy rules and procedures.[3] Area awards and juried awards are denoted next to the category names as applicable.[b] For simplicity, producers who received nominations for program awards have been omitted.
The New Adventures of Old Christine: "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" / "The New Adventures of Old Christine" / "House" – Cabot McMullen and Amy Feldman (CBS)
Carrier: "Rites of Passage" – Axel Baumann, Robert Hanna, Ulli Bonnekamp, Mark Brice, and Wolfgang Held (PBS)‡
The Amazing Race: "Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something" – Per Larsson, Sylvester Campe, Tom Cunningham, Lucas Kenna Mertes, and Peter Rieveschl (CBS)
Project Runway: "En Garde!" – Derth Adams, Malkuth "Mo" Frahm, John Armstrong, Marcus Bleecker, and David Vlasits (Bravo)
Survivor: "Just Don't Eat the Apple" – cinematography team (CBS)
Top Chef: "Finale (Part 1)" – Paul Starkman (Bravo)
Top Chef: "First Impressions" – Kevin Leffler, Vikash Patel, Marc Clark, Annie Tighe, Steve Lichtenstein, Sue Hoover, and Katherine Griffin (Bravo)‡
The Amazing Race: "Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something" – Steven Escobar, Eric Goldfarb, Julian Gomez, Andy Kozar, Jennifer Nelson, Paul Nielsen, and Jacob Parsons (CBS)
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: "The Hughes Family" – Wes Paster, Matt Deitrich, Tenna Guthrie, Phil Stuben, Jason Cherella, Hilary Scratch, and Steve Mellon (ABC)
Project Runway: "En Garde!" – Jamie Pedroza, Bri Dellinger, Steve Lichtenstein, Andy Robertson, Clark Vogeler, LaRonda Morris, and Joe Mastromonaco (Bravo)
Survivor: "He's a Ball of Goo!" – Brian Barefoot, Robert D. Mathews, Chad Bertalotto, Andrew Bolhuis, Evan Mediuch, Steve Frederick, and Eric Van Wagenen (CBS)
Smallville: "Bizarro" – Michael E. Lawshe, Norval "Charlie" Crutcher III, Jessica Dickson, Timothy Cleveland, Marc Meyer, Paul J. Diller, Albert Gomez, Casey Crabtree, Michael Crabtree, and Chris McGeary (The CW)‡
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: "Cockroaches" – Mace Matiosian, Ruth Adelman, Jivan Tahmizian, David Van Slyke, Chad Hughes, Joseph Sabella, Zane Bruce, and Troy Hardy (CBS)
ER: "The War Comes Home" – Walter Newman, Bob Redpath, Darleen R. Stoker, Bruce Honda, Kenneth Young, Adam Johnston, Casey Crabtree, Michael Crabtree, and Sharyn Tylk-Gersh (NBC)
Supernatural: "Jus in Bello" – Michael E. Lawshe, Norval "Charlie" Crutcher III, Karyn Foster, Marc Meyer, Timothy Cleveland, Paul J. Diller, Albert Gomez, Casey Crabtree, Michael Crabtree, and Dino Moriana (The CW)
John Adams: "Don't Tread on Me" – Stephen Hunter Flick, Vanessa Lapato, Kira Roessler, Curt Schulkey, Randy Kelly, Ken Johnson, Paul Berolzheimer, Dean Beville, Bryan Bowen, Patricio Libenson, Solange S. Schwalbe, David Fein, Hilda Hodges, and Alex Gibson (HBO)‡
The Andromeda Strain: "Part 2" – Michael Graham, Devon Curry, Anton Holden, Tim Terusa, Dan Tripoli, Mike Dickeson, Bob Costanza, Kevin Fisher, Rick Steele, Bill Bell, Erich Gann, Tim Chilton, Sharon Michaels, and Bunny K. Andrews (A&E)
Comanche Moon: "Part 2" – Joseph Melody, Rick Steele, Suzanne Angel, Mike Dickeson, Penny Harold, Adriane Marfiak, Bill Bell, Kevin Fisher, J. Michael Hooser, Tim Chilton, Sharon Michaels, and Chris McGeary (CBS)
John Adams: "Unnecessary War" – Jon Johnson, Bryan Bowen, Kira Roessler, Vanessa Lapato, Eileen Horta, Virginia Cook McGowan, Samuel C. Crutcher, Mark Messick, Martin Maryska, Greg Stacy, Patricio Libenson, Solange S. Schwalbe, David Fein, Hilda Hodges, and Nicholas Vitarelli (HBO)
Tin Man: "Part 1" – Anke Bakker, Brian Campbell, Kris Fenske, James Fonnyadt, Devan Kraushar, Steve Smith, Matthew Wilson, Ken Cade, Jay Cheetham, Cam Wagner, Shane Shemko, and Rich Walters (Sci Fi Channel)
The War: "When Things Get Tough" – Erik Ewers, Ryan Gifford, Mariusz Glabinski, Magdaline Volaitis, Ira Spiegel, Marlena Grzaslewicz, and Jacob Ribicoff (PBS)‡
The Amazing Race: "Honestly, They Have Witch Powers or Something" – Eric Goldfarb, Andy Kozar, Paul Nielsen, Jacob Parsons, Steven Escobar, Julian Gomez, and Rick Livingstone (CBS)
American Masters: "Les Paul: Chasing Sound" – John Paulson (PBS)
Heroes: "Four Months Ago..." – Eric Grenaudier, Mark Spatny, Gary D'Amico, Mike Enriquez, Michael Cook, Diego Galtieri, Ryan Wieber, Chris Martin, and Daniel Kumiega (NBC)
Human Body: Pushing the Limits: "Strength" – Tim Goodchild, Louise Hussey, Mike Tucker, Nick Kool, Hayden Jones, Mark Pascoe, Angela Noble, and Peter Tyler (Discovery Channel)
Jericho: "Patriots and Tyrants" – Andrew Orloff, Blythe Dalton, John Stirber, Chris Jones, Michael Cliett, Lane Jolly, Johnathan R. Banta, and Josh Hooker (CBS)
Stargate Atlantis: "Adrift" – Mark Savela, Shannon Gurney, Erica Henderson, Jason Gross, Jamie Yukio Kawano, Michael Lowes, Giles Hancock, Jeremy Kehler, and Daniel Osaki (Sci Fi Channel)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: "Pilot" – James Lima, Jon Massey, Andrew Orloff, Chris Zapara, Lane Jolly, Steve Graves, Rick Shick, Jeff West, Bradley Mullennix, and Andrew Orloff (Fox)
John Adams: "Join or Die" – Erik Henry, Jeff Goldman, Paul Graff, Steve Kullback, Christina Graff, David Van Dyke, Robert Stromberg, Edwardo Mendez, and Ken Gorrell (HBO)‡
Comanche Moon: "Part 1" – Scott Ramsey, Randy Moore, Chris Martin, Megan Omi, Richard Sachar, Ragui Hanna, Daniel Kumiega, Cedric Tomacruz, and Kristin Johnson (CBS)
The Company: "Part 2" – Viktor Muller, Vit Komrzy, Jan Vseticek, Miro Gal, Peter Nemec, Jiri Stamfest, and Jaroslav Matys (TNT)
Life After People – Matt Drummond, Max Ivins, Steffen Schlachtenhaufen, Melinka Thompson-Godoy, Andrea D'Amico, Danny Kim, Dave Morton, James Allen May, and Casey Benn (History Channel)
Tin Man: "Part 1" – Lee Wilson, Lisa Sepp-Wilson, Sebastien Bergeron, Todd Liddiard, Philippe Thibault, Les Quinn, Mike Goddard, Ken Lee, and Andrew Domachowski (Sci Fi Channel)
Dancing with the Stars: "Episode 502A" – Charles Ciup, Brian Reason, Hector Ramirez, James Karidas, Dave Levisohn, Larry Heider, Bettina Levesque, Dave Hilmer, Damien Tuffereau, Easter Xua, Mike Malone, and Chuck Reilly (ABC)‡
Jimmy Kimmel Live!: "After the Academy Awards" – Ervin Hurd, Parker Bartlett, Randy Gomez, Greg Grouwinkel, Garrett Hurt, Ritch Kenney, Kris Wilson, Gary Taillon, and Christopher Gray (ABC)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien: "Episode 2585" – Gregory Aull, Richard S. Carter, Patrick Casey, Kurt Decker, Eugene Huelsman, Chris Matott, James Palczewski, Vincent Demaio, James Mott, Edward Wallace, James Corgan, and Carl M. Henry III (NBC)
Late Show with David Letterman: "Episode 2827" – Timothy W. Kennedy, Karin-Lucie Grzella, David Dorsett, Jack Young, Al Cialino, John Curtin, Fred Shimizu, Daniel L. Campbell, John Hannel, Dan Flaherty, George Rothweiler, Steven G. Kaufman, and William J. White (CBS)
50th Annual Grammy Awards – John B. Field, Eric Becker, Mike Breece, David Eastwood, Freddy Frederick, Hank Geving, Dean Hall, Larry Heider, Dave Hilmer, Ed Horton, Marc Hunter, Charlie Huntley, Dave Levisohn, Steve Martyniuk, Rob Palmer, Bill Philbin, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Ted Ashton, Keith Winikoff, and Guy Jones (CBS)‡
80th Annual Academy Awards – John B. Field, Kenneth Shapiro, Allan Wells, Ted Ashton, Robert Balton, Danny Bonilla, John Burdick, David Eastwood, Marc Hunter, Charlie Huntley, Dave Levisohn, Lyn Noland, Rob Palmer, Bill Philbin, David Plakos, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Mark Whitman, Kris Wilson, Easter Xua, Keith Dicker, Dean Hall, Steve Martyniuk, Mark Sanford, Keith Winikoff, and Chuck Reilly (ABC)
American Idol: "Idol Gives Back" – Shiran Stotland, Eric Becker, David Eastwood, Marc Hunter, Bobby Highton, Brian Reason, Easter Xua, Danny Bonilla, George Prince, Ed Horton, John Repczynski, Suzanne Ebner, Diane Beiderbeck, William Chaikowski, Alex Hernandez, and Mark Sanford (Fox)
Hansel and Gretel (Great Performances at the Met) – Jon Pretnar, Miguel Armstrong, Bill Finley, Manny Gutierrez, Charlie Huntley, John "Kosmo" Kosmaczewski, Alain Onesto, Tim Quigley, Mark Renaudin, David Smith, Larry Solomon, Jim Tufaro, Ron Washburn, Mark Whitman, Jeff Muhlstock, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, Billy Steinberg, Matty Randazzo, and Paul Ranieri (PBS)
Justin Timberlake: FutureSex/LoveShow – Keith Winikoff, Ted Ashton, Rob Balton, John Burdick, Robert Delrusso, Manny Gutierrez, Ray Hoover, Gene Kelly, Tore Livia, Steve Martyniuk, John Meiklejohn, Jay Millard, Lyn Noland, Kenneth Patterson, Tim Quigley, Brian Reason, Mark Renaudin, Carlos Rios, Jim Scurti, Eli Clarke, Freddy Frederick, Jimmy Goldsmith, Helene Haviland, Jim Yockey, Rich York, John "Kosmo" Kosmaczewski, Matty Randazzo, Paul Ranieri, and Roy Otake (HBO)
The Governors Award was presented to the National Geographic Channel's "Preserve Our Planet" campaign, a "long-term, multi-platform effort to help Americans understand the issues of environmental conservation and global survival".[5][6]
Nominations and wins by program
For the purposes of the lists below, any wins in juried categories are assumed to have a prior nomination.
^The outlets listed for each program are the U.S. broadcasters or streaming services identified in the nominations, which for some international productions are different than the broadcaster(s) that originally commissioned the program.
Area awards are non-competitive and nominees are considered on their own terms. Any nominee with at least two-thirds approval received an Emmy. If no nominee received two-thirds approval, the nominee with the highest approval (and a minimum majority approval) received an Emmy.[3]
Juried awards generally do not have nominations; instead, all entrants were screened before members of the appropriate peer group, and one, more than one, or no entry was awarded an Emmy based on the jury's vote.[3]
^ abFinalists were announced for this juried category; they are not considered to be nominees.[4]