Loft Law Amendment (also referred to as Expanded Loft Law) is a New York law that created a new window period for recognition of lofttenants that previously did not qualify under the original 1982 Loft Law.
The purpose of this bill is to extend provisions of the Loft Law to buildings which have been occupied residentially for 12 consecutive months during the period starting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 2009.
Amends the definition of loft dwellings to include commercial or manufacturing buildings occupied for residential purposes for 12 consecutive months from January 1, 2008, to December 31, 2009, and extends Loft Law protections to tenants in such buildings[5]
Requires non-residential space in such buildings to be offered for residential use only after a residential certificate of occupancy has been obtained for such space
Requires owners of loft buildings to achieve compliance with the standards of safety and fire protection, and take reasonable and necessary action to obtain certificate of occupancy as a class A multiple dwelling for the residential portion of the building
Authorizes the Loft Board to extend any compliance deadline that an owner is unable to meet for reasons beyond his or her control
Authorizes the Loft Board, upon good cause shown, to extend the time of compliance twice with the requirement to obtain a residential certificate of occupancy for periods not to exceed 12 months each
Allows owners of such buildings to apply to the Loft Board for an exemption of a building if the owner can show it would cause an unjustifiable hardship