The primaries were uneventful as Reagan was virtually assured of the nomination by virtue of his popularity within the party. Thus, he faced only token opposition in the primary race. Ronald Reagan won in a landslide winning every contest and achieving 6.4 million votes compared to his opponents 12K. Harold Stassen lost to Reagan and won no contests at all. Stassen achieved a low 0.19% of the vote. Ronald Reagan would go on to win the most Electoral votes achieved by any president in history in the General election of that year.
Reagan was renominated by a vote of 2,233 (two delegates abstained). For the only time in American history, the vice presidential roll call was taken concurrently with the presidential roll call. Vice President George H. W. Bush was overwhelmingly renominated. This was the last time in the 20th century that the vice presidential candidate of either major party was nominated by roll call vote.